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04/30/12(Mon)18:19:22 No.18924869 File: 1335824362.jpg-(121 KB, 400x540, notquite.jpg)
 Keep my name in the field, damn you. >>18924070 With that, you trot out, handing your bokken off to the same LTA who asked to throw stuff at you, and make your way to the lab. Em's in the lab again, big surprise, and he looks up from his work with a cheerful grin at your approach.
"'Sup," he greets. "Was looking for you earlier."
"Yo. I was at the range sparring."
"Yeah?" He makes a show of looking you over for signs of grievous injury.
"I know, I'm surprised too. They did throw swords at me, though." He laughs at that. "You look happy," you note.
"Got your misericorde waiting. Threw in a little housing sheathe you can lock onto someplace armored." You inspect the beam weapon (on a neat little stand, no less), noting the ends are topped in brass-like caps. You ignite the weapon, appreciating its intense, bright blade. This thing will do some damage, though the blade is maybe half the length of a typical saber.
"Hilt's designed for easy access," Em explains. "Much like your mother."
"We don't have mothers," you snort, "But thanks. Yeah, looks like parrying with this would be tricky."
"That's what your big stick's for, chief."
"Also for your mother," you reply. He shrugs.
"I went with mom because I know what you'd do if I'd said 'your sister.'"
"Good call, Em. Anyway, thanks."
"Oh, yeah," he adds. "Your weapon data cleared. Go ahead and grab it."
You go to do just that, setting down your new saber-hilt.
Where do you want to mount the misericorde's sheathe? > |