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!DowN/N3yMY 04/29/12(Sun)09:30 No.18906870 File: 1335706215.jpg-(72 KB, 548x326, The-Big-Lebowski_Jeff-Bridges_(...).jpg)
 The blade sinks into his chest, the fine steel edge delving effortlessly into flesh. You give it a twist for good measure, and he begins to fall. "Tell... My drawings... That.. I loved.. them!" he says before he breathes his last.
The world around you fades, and you find yourself back in your seat. The other seats are empty, the occupants possibly still in the simulations.
The Dude calls out. "Ayasaki, a word please." You get up off your chair and head up to the front. "You have the third best time for today. Just a few minutes behind Sagara in fact. Your initial head-on approach is commendable for your tactical use of potions."
"As for that data manipulation you exhibited earlier, I have sent Mike the data, and he has recommended that I do this..." He taps his sunglasses and a familiar beret materializes in his hand. "He says that the modified construct would need to be studied for later, and that I should release the data in your care. Now, I have no idea what you did back there, nor do I care much. So I'll do as Mike says." He throws the beret up and Daniil materializes under it, he lands beside you after a full sumersault.
"Looks like I'll be bunking with you from now." he says with a nod. "Yep. Welcome aboard." you tell him. "Now, the others are still in thier simulations, and since it would bore you to remain just seated in your chair for the remaining two hours until lunch, I'll give you free leave to do what you want." The Dude tells you with an absentminded wave of his hand.
"Thanks man." you tell him as you head out the door.
[ ]pass time, read. [skips straight to lunch] [ ]talk to ___________ [ ]other |