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!DowN/N3yMY 04/29/12(Sun)22:39 No.18914981 File: 1335753569.jpg-(42 KB, 524x524, 22988713_m.jpg)
 A hundred years. Ten decades. A century. That's how long you have been with the Bureau. At almost 117 years of age, you don't look a day over 35. Why? Simple, it's the Juice.
In those hundred years, you've ran, flew and fought all-over the Dimensions. In those hundred years you've made a lot of friends and lost quite a few as well. In those hundred years youve seen your children and your children's children live fruitful lives of their own. In those hundred years, you and the girls have been happy.
'I need a break after this mission,' you think to yourself as you walk up towards the stargate with J, your ever loyal footman, right beside you. The other familiars you left at the house, or are accompanying your children/grandchildren. "Sir, Might I suggest we go back home to your Dimension? Maybe pedal around Japan again?" J says as if he had read what you had on your mind. "Great Idea, J. Just the two of us again, on the road. And maybe we could go visit her." you say the last part softly. "It shall be my pleasure to accompany you sir." he says with a bow. "GET READY TO JUMP COCK-CAKES. ENOUGH OF THIS MELODRAMA." Kraus states, as angry as ever, the rage in him not unchanged even after a century.
The gate is calibrated, the ring of stone spins and rotates. You jump in. |