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!davE3vN6Yk 05/01/12(Tue)07:17 No.18932675 File: 1335871045.jpg-(23 KB, 243x293, Mad-scientist-laboratory__red.jpg)
 -Ludvig Stahl- Well, at least they got it spelled correctly. After looking around your lab of smoking beakers, bubbling mixtures, and gerbils with laser beams for tails, a *ding* from the computer tells you that it's time.
"Sir, the weapon is calibrated. You may proceed to test-firing it." Dave informs you in his smoothe slightly mechanical voice. "Okay, send in Laura. She needs to see this." Laura is your assistant. Laura Farmer. She was assigned to keep you in check, about 5 years ago after your last one quit due to one too many 'accidents'.
You approach the weapon as it lays on a table. It's a small silver raygun. Powered by a combination of Juice and Moxie, this gun will should fire a ray that will sunder any target A Sunder-Ray, if you will.
Laura walks in, "Oh dear god. Not another one. You do remember what happened with your last weapon right?" she asks. "Nope. I don't." You tell her flatly. "Doctor, I must say that test firing another weapon, one that you had an idea for while drunk on milk, is wholly inadvisable."
[ ]You're right [ ]SHUT UP, THIS IS FOR SCIENCE! |