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!SIL6URyblU 05/01/12(Tue)15:03 No.18936566 File: 1335898993.png-(22 KB, 400x400, Trinityeye.png)
 >Dave: This is you. You're 25, and you have a 'Bullfrog' gen-3 prototype implanted in your spine, allowing you to control electronics with your mind. >Abel Rowling: Your coworker\drinking-buddy. Used to be your roommate years ago before you got him a job at the place you worked, now he's living on his own and taking care of your cat, Ishelda. Is currently investigating ArmaTek. >Jun Viridian: The 38 year old neuroscientist who implanted you with the prototype, and from what you can tell, was the one who designed it. Also designed a weapon called the EM hammer which was soon found in the hands of ArmaTek. >John Grayson: A security specialist who works for EE. He has implanted arms and broad shoulders. He used to be military, but declines to explain the circumstances about why he left. >Verne Tolstoy: A quiet, overweight man who used to be a cop. Most of his internal organs are all augmented versions, and he has an augmented arm; Ever since a mishap with an EMP, he's been unable to do his mercenary work with his niece, Amy. >Amy Tolstoy: A teenage mercenary girl with neon hair, augmented legs, and a wrist computer full to the brim with random AI constructs. She has all sorts of strange friends, mostly of the kind that show up illegally on a boat, sell weapons in a thick accent, and sail away. >Azure, Onyx, and Cyan: Your bullfrog's three onboard AIs; Cyan specializes in networking, Onyx specializes in combat, and Azure bridges the gap between them. >Mysterious nat100 woman: You had a drunken one-night stand with her after giving her a stupid pickup line about your mechandrite, and you quickly forgot her name, home, and phone number. /tg/ rolled to see how hot she was, and apparently, she was the single hottest woman on the face of the earth. Now, if only you could find her again. . . |