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05/03/12(Thu)16:24 No.18965104 File: 1336076681.png-(174 KB, 1611x1126, thickblood.png)
 Hey folks, its me, the guy who does the shit. Im really, relaly impressed with your evolutions, and even the variety of bord. dont stop! keep evolving your creatures, but just remember, there is no tribal stage here, and with that...a little story... ---------------------- The vile swaggerbord congregated to discuss building a monument to their false glory. It was in that moment they were annihilated, one and all. Every...single...one...But how you ask? Giant aircraft carrier sized flying plant/wasp dragon thing orbital strike. Its symbiotic wesper horde descended and killed all the injured and escapees, their corpses were carried off to feed the tyrant, and their eggs died without care, food for the Frowg. ---------- and another problem fixed and with a shitty story to boot! similiar to the rape fish, possibly the same trolling attempt or just having a little bit too much fun. I dont mind the jokes, at all, i encourage it, but I do mind when you try to fuck up the game, and ruin it for other players. Dont worry though...the Bord empire will remember your proto-pimp for years to come. |