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!Q7t.srvWZ6 05/04/12(Fri)20:59 No.18980692 File: 1336179547.png-(129 KB, 247x252, psionicspear.png)
The Psi Ram is a bit different. For one, you fire what is essentially a big, blue, battering ram made of pure force from your hand. The power is adjustable, so you can go for longer range, but affect less mass, or shorter range, and affect more mass. But depending on the strike, you can send things flying 12-15 feet with stunning regularity.
The Psi Burn is pretty much what it says on the tin. It's like a Psibolt, only on fire. It tends to light the things you hit on fire also, so you're lucky junkyards carry Fire Extinguishers standard. Like most stuff Cyrean, it is blue and white, but otherwise reminds you a lot of the Incinerate power from Mass Effect.
Psi Shock, however, is a complete paradigm shift for you. It's a touch power, limited to what you can contact with your hand. You can adjust it to be lethal or non-lethal at your whim, and its highly conductive when you touch something with it, but if you want to use it, you'll have to change up your usual ranged fighting style a bit. It does make a great alternative to a stun gun, however.
Psi Freeze moves back to a projectile, firing a slightly slower, icy blue sphere of... something. Physics is probably being violated again. Suffice it to say, it draws the internal energy from the area around it, and moves it somewhere, creating a freezing effect. You can aim purely to cause a debilitating freeze, jamming up something mechanical, for instance, or causing a person to have to act slower, or you can dip the temperature down real low to cause harm.
The Psi heal is relatively simple. Turn it on, pinkish-white light envelops your hands, and you heal stuff you touch. |