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!!YhRfZU/QcTP 05/05/12(Sat)00:45 No.18982697 File: 1336193113.jpg-(756 KB, 1280x720, tim3.jpg)
 Onyx Light Armor- DR 5 Shields 49 T/B DC 12 Recharge Delay-6 seconds of not being fired upon. Recharge Rate-33% Per Round.
Stiletto Pistol Damage- 1D73+73 Clip Size 15
Hurricane Shotgun- 8D15 Clip Size 3 Special Rules. Shotgun spread-Shotguns may still hit their target even on a miss. For each degree of failure subtract half the HD, may reduce to zero.
Bluewire MK III Omni-tool Shield 5 Cooldown Bonus 0 Med/Hacking bonus 5
L2 Biotic Implant 20% Bonus to all Biotic Power Force Special Rules-At least once a day you will be required to make a roll to determine the side-effects from your L2 Implant. Depending on the level of use, more may be required.
3 Crazy Disc Grenades Damage 10d25+250
Badass Tomahawk (Throwable) 1d400+100 Special Rule- Warrior's Stride- On a kill with this weapon you may take an immediate Charge as a free-action. At the end of this charge you gain full shields. If the kill was by a thrown tomahawk you charge to the tomahawk and pick it up, again as a free action where you regain full shields.
>For the Biotic Powers where Force is listed. I'm going with damage being caused by the force of hitting an object or in special circumstances, fall damage from being thrown off something. >1d10 for every m/s you're going into an object. In most instances. So for a maxed out throw you're looking at about 6d10. A 190 pound guy being thrown back through the air at about 12 miles per hour hits the wall and gets an owie in other words. Sorry, I'm looking for realistic numbers.
On this note, I am going to bed. I look forward to your input in the morning gentlemen. Work tomorrow and body willing we'll start tomorrow night about 9:30 with a small session and then most of Sunday. |