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!!UjNzln6KLxU 05/06/12(Sun)01:54 No.18996078 File: 1336283653.jpg-(399 KB, 583x760, 1329533994071.jpg)
 “It’s fine.” You answer. “Go for it.” “Okie dokie!” She squeeks, not missing a beat. “I promise, I’ll come by and see it first thing tomorrow! Bye, you two!” And with that, you legless friend skips off to run some more. As she disappears into the distance, Hisao looks over to you, catching the dying sunset light in his golden eyes. “Um, I can go too if you want.” At this, you shake your head vehemently. “I like it if you are here.” He tilts his head, then nods. “Ok.” Together, the two of you re-enter your state of artistic Zen, mixing and applying paints in a rhythmic fashion as the world around you both seemingly ceases to exist. It’s a nice feeling… You weren’t lying. His presence really does make you feel calm… As the sun disappears entirely, you continue working together with little heed paid to the unfavorable conditions. Finally, long after it’s already grown dark, you finish. “Done.” You rise and stretch out, already beginning to feel an aching in your legs. Hisao glances over to you. “You can tell?” You shrug. “I think so.” Yawning, he nods to you. “Well, congratulations, then.” “Thanks” You reply as you begin walking to your dorms together. As for reach the fork in the road between the male and female dorms, you stop. “Hisao?” “Yeah?” “You’ll come by tomorrow, right?” A pause in the still night air follows this, then- “Yeah. Of course.” Although probably not visible in the darkness, you smile at him anyway. “Thanks.” “Night, Rin.” “Night, Hisao.” |