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05/08/12(Tue)00:20 No.19019842 File: 1336450857.jpg-(100 KB, 960x720, InfestedMarine_SC2_Head2.jpg)
 A fanfare plays, and scrolling text indicates that ZergTV has scored an exclusive news story! Accountantbrate's Infested Terran steps up to the podium, calmly adjusting the tie of his expensive suit. He clears his throat, and announces:
"Friends and fellow Terrans, this is a momentous day! I have come here to inform you of an amazing development in economic news. Now, I know some of you aren't interested in all that business, Big Money talk, but I urge you to stay tuned. This is exciting! After rigorous negotiations, we have brokered an unprecedented merger of some of the largest companies in the Directorate. Everything from SimSoft E.C.E. to Catagenia Studios to LinkSys Waste Management Technologies has come together to form one interstellar conglomerate. This is an economic event of staggering proportions which, with the recent acquiescence of Zulu/Fuchi Brokerages, will effectively centralize 79 percent of the entire human economy! Now, who will be in charge of the new Conglomerate, you ask? Why..."
At this point, the speaker's eyes stain gold and begin to glow, its skin pales and turns ashen gray, and two horrifying tentacles sprout from its mouth. Its voice becomes deep, with an echoing quality.
"...The Conglomerate will serve Accountantbrate, Prime Exchequer of the Swarm. Do not fear, Terrans, for we are experienced in multipurpose execution of an interstellar business. We have a proven track record of solid economic growth, with a focus on cutting costs while ensuring the quality of products to be delivered!"
The representative continues with Accountantbrate's gushing description of its resume. (Cont again!) |