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!!cAsGzl185mF 05/08/12(Tue)22:57 No.19033063 File: 1336532258.jpg-(94 KB, 746x1024, 1336425569750.jpg)
 "That's it, I'm parking this thing while there's still something to salvage. I dont need this tank to end up like that transport shuttle borrowed one time." You grab your gun and pop the hatch.
"We'll wait for more Marines to arrive then move the tank back to the loading dock." The engineer tells you.
"Marines, lets secure the upper level!" You shout before locking down your faceplate. You wished you'd locked it down before exiting with the burnt smell in the air. Spotting a squad heading for a stairwell you chase after them, double checking the safety on your phase rifle and making sure its set to stun. The climb up to the catwalks is one that would have tired you out in this armor a few weeks ago. Catching up takes a minute and you miss out on one firefight. One Marine is wounded but says he's fine, sealing the wound and throwing a bandage on it.
Moving north you and the squad continuously encounter the problem of secondary control rooms for the support cranes and tracks. They make ideal hiding spots, the floors thick enough to scatter infrared used by those on the factory floor. Even catching Rebels by surprise can turn into a difficult fight with the available cover. A pulse pistol shot glances off the top of your helmet while two others dump shotgun fire down the catwalk at you. The phase rifle is still taking some getting used to but its more an issue of making each shot count.
You soon adopt a policy of pinning Rebels that resist in cover then tossing in frag grenades. When those run out you switch to the stun grenades you brought. They prove less effective against troops in full body armor like yours earning you a few burns and craters on the right side of your suit. The other Marines patch you up and you keep moving. |