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!Q7t.srvWZ6 05/08/12(Tue)20:16 No.19030290 File: 1336522604.jpg-(64 KB, 300x250, 092811_daffy_duck_the_wizard_t.jpg)
A day or so after the incident of space flight, you actually gather around with Roxy, Johnny, Jeanne and Anna for a meal, and bring up the idea of the trip to them. Johnny speaks up first. "Meh, as much as I've got your back and all, bro, I'd rather not be a third wheel while you and Roxane go look at shiny robot arms or Japanese computers, or something. And what am I gonna do while you do go on a date or something?" You shrug. "Well, the JSDF do kind of have the market cornered on Mecha, since every other country on Earth prefers to field more manageable power armor." You respond. Jeanne speaks up. "Well, I would hope you don't spend all your time looking at technology. Even though I am a fan of modern convenience." She smirks a little to show she's just joking. "Actually, I wouldn't mind so much, since I've never been anywhere in Asia. Been to plenty of the major cities in Europe, but the family didn't go much for planes." Anna also throws in, "Yeah, I've never been either. I'd need to check with my mom first, though. She apparently needs an assistant for some research trip to MA." "Interesting," Cuts in Jeanne. "Professor Blackstone actually wants me to go with him on a short trip to London sometime over the summer with him. Something about the Seekers, though he's always so vague about them." You nod slowly. "Well, ladies, I wouldn't want to take you from any prior commitments." You say, but the both start shaking their heads or making dismissive gestures. "No, no," Says Jeanne, "It's alright. If it was urgent we probably would have left already." Anna pats a long wrapped bundle she's placed in one of the chairs next to her. "Same here."
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