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!!jcg/Jrhuv6C 05/09/12(Wed)09:38 No.19039408 File: 1336570703.jpg-(153 KB, 540x400, 040.jpg)
 You step out of the COLD ROOM to applause from all except JACOBI.
They saw NADA leave, and they realise what must have happened.
KLON says that between the PILLS and you getting rid of the DREAD PRESENCE in the COLD ROOM she can now support you with SNIPING, should you ever need it.
Once per ENCOUNTER, KLON will reliably deal 1d100 to a target of your choice, providing you sacrifice BOONEs turn to make the call. You can also call her on the COMMBEAD, for other reasons. Iunno. Shoot the shit.
So where to next?
Can I get a concensus? And choose your party. ALSO
The car has 4 seats SO, while you have the car you can carry a forth team member to switch out periodically (or take to the SHUTTLE CRASH to switch out for another, if you can) to keep in reserve. So three enter wherver you go, and one watches the car, basically.
Make some minds up, basically. I'm gonna grab a drink or something. This shit's gone all day.
Scotch time. Yes it is.
Gimme answers. |