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!DowN/N3yMY 05/09/12(Wed)00:00 No.19034255 File: 1336536052.jpg-(71 KB, 496x616, lost time.jpg)
 "So, Nano." You say as you look across the table into her eyes. "How'd Max do today?" You chuckle, knowing full well what her answer would be. "Crying again. He babies us too much." she answers with a grin. "It's like he doesn't want us to go. But then Emps bust into the room, and gave him a bop on the head, saying -STOP BEING SUCH A PUSSY-" "I guess I know how he feels," You tell her. "But there's no stopping it right?" "Ahuh." She answers "Besides, it's gonna be fun being in the field." "Indeed." you tell her as you reach across the table for her hand.
The waiter arrives, and surprisingly, he was human. "Good evening. My name is Arthur, and I'll be your waiter for tonight. May I take your orders?"
'Crap. We didnt look through the menus.' you think as he stands there, notepad in hand.
[ ]what's today's special? [ ]give us a second please. |