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!!ZwhWAwcuTHG 05/11/12(Fri)02:10 No.19063498 File: 1336716630.jpg-(89 KB, 400x400, shotmyservoskull.jpg)
 The battle is long and bloody as armsmen, combat servitors, and skittari clash in a mad tangle of ships. Even Quein ends up deploying his crew to join the fighting, augmenting your bloodied numbers. In the end, the Lathe-class is taken and Taylor's now-burning ship is nudged into the void to die. The Factory ship is taken soon after by what combat forces your force can still muster, relieving the tattered remains of 'Death or Glory's armemen complement.
As you help tend to armsmen in the medicae deck, Magos Taylor contacts you. "Elesh, I fear we should not remain in this system for much longer. There is a little-known system nearby where we can take lick our wounds and take the prizes. If we jump now, my navigator believes the warp storm to be relatively calm."
"Do you believe that they managed a distress call in the confusion of that device, Magos?"
"I fear we are in no condition to risk that they didn't."
>orders? >you have no way of accounting for your casualties at this time, too many are still in the process of dying. |