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!DowN/N3yMY 05/11/12(Fri)01:59 No.19063392 File: 1336715941.jpg-(36 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lf2d0oQnPI1qbbs2ao1_500.jpg)
 You are now down at the beach, more and more of your guests have arrived. Touma walked in in a green Hawaiian shirt, accompanied by the SISTERs and that small nun in white you saw him with a few weeks ago in town. "hey man, I brought a guest.. I hope you don't mind." "Of course not man, the more the merrier. Would you like a burger?" "I WANT ONE!" the nun shouts. "Okay then, coming right up." you tell her "Wait, I don't think we've been introduced yet. I'm Hayate." "I'm Index Librorum Prohibitorum, you can call me Index. So.. About that burger.." "haha, Coming right up miss Index." you answer her as you serve her up. Touma, flanked on either side by identical sisters can only shrug and apologize for his guests behavior.
------------------------------------------ Mike arrives, accompanied by Max, the Dude and Ryuu. The group saunters lazily down the beach wearing swimwear, with Mike wearing a bright yellow Banana Hammock. "Hey Kid. Nice party youre building up to here. Did you invite the whole Bureau?" he asks "Not really no. Just my class, Nanoha's class, and some of the Basics." you answer him. "All of the Bureau then." The Dude laughs.