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05/12/12(Sat)18:47 No.19082239 File: 1336862848.jpg-(57 KB, 800x600, sq594.jpg)
 She begins to tell what happened.
"After you released me, I returned to the hive, only to see that the wasps were already there. I saw them load the honey away, bully anyone who got in their way, the usual stuff that they do when they blunder our hive. But I knew that this wasn't what the overseer had planned. The wasps were supposed to arrive tomorrow. I knew that the overseer couldn't possibly have been able to make the poisoned shipment ready in the time I was gone, and I feared for the worst. When the wasps left, I investigated the refinery, and found that the overseer had in her haste simply dumped the nectar into the great pool and then directed the wasps to blunder from there. He had also stored away the remaining non-tainted honey for himself. I tried to warn the workers from eating the honey, and those who listened are the ones who are still conscious. When I tried to confront the overseer B12, their leader, for what they had done, they locked me into the chamber you found me in." |