/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

April 2016
46825219Bladebound Retainer Quest 1Marcus Painel, a young man without a future, exacts bloody vengeance on those who wronged him and is given a new reason to live. Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest2016-04-23 39 
46928855Bladebound Retainer Quest 2Marcus Painel receives a message, swears loyalty to a princess, and shares his story with a knight.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-04-27 32 
May 2016
47089625Bladebound Retainer Quest 3Marcus Painel learns more about the Nobility and punches an arrogant feminine male mage in the throat.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-05-05 34 
47117778Bladebound Retainer Quest 3.5Marcus Painel finishes his duel, earns unexpected approval and becomes a probationary member of the Crowngard. Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-05-07 32 
47291472Bladebound Retainer Quest #4Marcus Painel meets the Prince and is sworn in as an official member of the Crownguard.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-05-17 33 
June 2016
47529644Bladebound Retainer Quest 5Marcus Painel observes the fallout of an assassination attempt, makes new friends, and receives a gift from a grateful brother. Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-06-01 28 
47847758Bladebound Retainer QuestMarcus Painal learns to ride,finds some herbs and has a chatCollective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-06-20 26 
47978206Bladebound Retainer Quest #7Marcus Painel brews some poisons, scales a wall, and infiltrates a garrison. Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-06-28 29 
July 2016
48314475Bladebound Retainer Quest #8Marcus Painel spars with his comrade, explores his feelings and reunites with the love of his life.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-07-19 24 
September 2016
49262706Bladebound Retainer Quest #9Marcus Painel reflects on his dreams, chases after a spy, and is told by a mod to continue on /qst/.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-09-10 23 
October 2016
643686Bladebound Retainer Quest #9.5An interrupted thread continued, Marcus isn't there, meets an old woman, and post thread discussion.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-10-04 20 
November 2016
766903Bladebound Retainer Quest #10Marcus Painel witnesses prophecy aseduces the daughter Alchemists' Guild Head Supervisor, teaches his loli botany and Kaz has a stalker.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2016-11-06 17 
January 2017
1059279Bladebound Retainer Quest #11Marcus Painel continues his infiltration of the Alchemists' Guild as his allies lay siege to a rebel garrison.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2017-01-29 17 
February 2017
1154227Bladebound Retainer Quest #11.5Marcus Painel strikes a deal, steps into political intrigue, and breaks into the Alchemists' Guild.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2017-02-23 14 
March 2017
1270021Bladebound Retainer Quest #11.5 Part 2Marcus Painel continues his break-in of the Alchemists' Guild, and the Vascieli make a surprising and unsavoury appearance. Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2017-03-24 12 
June 2017
1539046Bladebound Retainer Quest #12Marcus Painel finds himself embroiled in interfamilial politics, reviews the history of the Empire, and discovers a dangerous enemy.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2017-06-15 13 
July 2017
1607036Bladebound Retainer Quest #12.5Marcus Painel introduces mutual relations, reminisces about his past, and drinks to the health of his fellow Crownguard.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2017-07-05 13 
August 2017
1755657Bladebound Retainer Quest 12.51Marcus Painel listens to a foolish girl’s plea, facilitates a conspiracy, and bears witness to complete and total victory.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2017-08-21 12 
September 2017
1791111Bladebound Retainer Quest #12.52A continuation to the previous thread, and the conclusion of the Alnerwich arc.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2017-09-01 13 
June 2018
2583925Bladebound Retainer Quest #13As the journey resumes, Marcus Painel must contend with peril on the road ahead, from both human and monster, to foe and friend alike.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2018-06-06 11 
July 2018
2652041Bladebound Retainer Quest #13.5The continuation of the previous thread. Belligerent peasants, rampaging draklings, barbarian cultists...not even once.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2018-07-01 11 
September 2018
2887979Bladebound Retainer Quest #14Marcus Painel suffers the trouble a drakling can cause, attempts to relax, and deals with a very petulant princess.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2018-09-29 7 
February 2019
3204199Bladebound Retainer Quest #15Marcus Painel continues the hunt for the Vascieli, defuses an angry princess, and uncovers a dark secret of the village of Westholme.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2019-02-07 11 
3242320Bladebound Retainer Quest #15.5The continuation of the previous thread, where the chase for Giso continues and Krabat the merchant gets dangerous.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2019-02-19 11 
June 2019
3529926Bladebound Retainer Quest #16Marcus Painel reaches Mont Gormaic, goes shopping for a princess’ birthday, and confronts the Specter in and of the Dream.Collective Game, Bladebound Retainer Quest, Kaz, Original Setting2019-06-16 9 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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