/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

December 2010
13346845The EngineersOP asks about making a universe with mister fixit engineers, slightly modeled after Dead Space. Truly awesome writefaggotry ensues, everyone rejoices.Dead Space, Engineers, setting, space, sci-fi, scifi, world building, writefag, writing2010-12-31 11 
January 2014
29531073Statting Isaac Clarke/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2014-01-16 24 
29557219Statting Isaac Clarke 2 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2014-01-17 14 
29567205Statting Isaac Clarke 3 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2014-01-18 17 
29588343Statting Isaac Clarke 4 /tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion ensues.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2014-01-19 10 
29713801Statting Isaac Clarke 6Multiple stories and discussion continue.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2014-01-23 2 
29847386Statting Isaac Clarke: Many threads laterContinuance of the previous threadsDead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2014-01-29 2 
December 2016
50452300Statting Isaac Clarke 8/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems. Discussion and stories ensue. The eighth thread, now with added Martian!Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2016-12-04 8 
50535654Statting Isaac Clarke 9/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2016-12-09 3 
50597982Statting Isaac Clarke 10/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2016-12-11 3 
50721232Statting Isaac Clarke 11/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2016-12-21 3 
50797896Statting Isaac Clarke 12/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2016-12-26 2 
979465Dead Space Quest #1A security officer has his first encounters with necromorphs and unitology cultists.Collective Game, Dead Space Quest, Dead Space2016-12-28 8 
983407Dead Space Quest #2Two succesful missions and a big failure that leads the protagonist close to death.Collective Game, Dead Space Quest, Dead Space2016-12-30 3 
50872592Statting Isaac Clarke 13/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2016-12-30 5 
990903Dead Space Quest #3After waking from a coma the protagonist meets up with other survivors and begins preparing an escape.Collective Game, Dead Space Quest, Dead Space2016-12-31 3 
January 2017
1004729Dead Space Quest #4The protagonist and his team defeat a large group of cultists and return to base.Collective Game, Dead Space Quest, Dead Space2017-01-04 4 
50944677Statting Isaac Clarke 14/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2017-01-07 2 
1011304Dead Space Quest #5The cultist's leader is finally defeated.Collective Game, Dead Space Quest, Dead Space2017-01-08 2 
51062658Statting Isaac Clarke 15/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion2017-01-08 2 
1022732Dead Space Quest #6The team finally leaves Heinlein station.Collective Game, Dead Space Quest, Dead Space2017-01-12 3 
51080741Statting Isaac Clarke 16/tg/ stats Isaac Clarke from Dead Space in a variety of systems and various authors write his adventurers in various other settings.Dead Space, Stat Me, Discussion,2017-01-12 2 
1032269Dead Space Quest #7A great betrayal occurs.Collective Game, Dead Space Quest, Dead Space2017-01-13 2 
1038492Dead Space Quest #8More betrayal, memory loss, therapy and blowing up a government building.Collective Game, Dead Space Quest, Dead Space2017-01-15 2 
1057422Dead Space Quest #9Phil plays operator for a few missions.Collective Game, Dead Space Quest, Dead Space2017-01-21 2 
1084879Dead Space Quest #10Interrogation, acquiring a Cargo Hauler as a new base and baiting drug dealersCollective Game, Dead Space Quest, Dead Space2017-01-26 2 
November 2021
82137752skinwalker tyranids, tzeentch-worshiping miners and radical inquisitor Samus/tg/ plays with creation tables and makes skinwalker tyranids, tzeentch-worshiping miners and radical inquisitor Samus.Creation Tables, Tyranids, Cultists, Chaos Cultists, Inquisitor, Skinwalker, Wendigo, Dead Space, Metroid,2021-11-18 3 
March 2022
83846747apocalypses on a space opera rather than planetary scaleSpace opera apocalypses.worldbuilding, setting, apocalypse, space, dead space, alien, dark forest,2022-03-31 0 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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