/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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April 2016
46394792The King of Fighters Quest: RebornWe take a quick peak at the life... Who, exactly? Also, the QM gets injured.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest2016-04-02 6 
46437068The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #2The "Friday Night Real Bout" Tournament begins and leaves our MC in a tight spot.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest2016-04-04 5 
46481009The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #3"Friday Night Real Bout" ends under a shroud of controversy and the MC gets an offer for some 'Wrasslin while licking her wounds.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest2016-04-06 5 
46502219The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #4We live a little, keep our options open , deal with a poltergeist using FightChan... Oh, and can the real Katja Hartkern please stand up?SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart2016-04-07 6 
46545437The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #5We commit (Legal) assault & battery at The Pao Pao Cafe, shake hands with a Legend and deal with more spooky stuff.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart2016-04-09 5 
46565312The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #6We get our spiritual lives in order and make a stunning observation at the end of our second "Friday Night Real Bout".SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart2016-04-10 5 
June 2016
278576The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #7Katja gracefully backs out a "Friday Night Real Bout" after a concussion scare. Also, allegorical dreams ahoy!SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart2016-06-20 6 
July 2016
317290The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #8We join a new gym, go out on a date and unleash "G-Mantle Lady", the greatest scourge South Town may have ever seen...SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart2016-07-02 6 
338441 The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #9We beat up Andy Bogard, make-out with Mai Shiranui off-screen and steal some new clothes as "G-Mantle Lady" runs amok in South Town.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, G-Mantle Lady2016-07-06 7 
August 2016
512825The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #10We get out of a hospital, reflect on our life choices, go out drinking with a kindred spirit and decide upon a future while fighting a gang.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart2016-08-30 6 
September 2016
537062The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #11We get into a fight, get patched up and then start to get "Red-Pilled" on who the MC really is.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart, Jean-Claude Gabriel, Kazunori Kazahaya2016-09-10 6 
October 2016
693636The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #12We spar with Joe Higashi, contemplate existence out on the road and fight in an underground tournament being run by an old friend.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Katja Hartkern, Katherine Hart, Andrew Draco, Kazunori Kazahaya2016-10-17 5 
January 2017
1018630The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #13We dream about a played-out meme, talk about our past, find a new name and begin our training for the 14th King of Fighters Tournament.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Fortuna Mistral2017-01-09 6 
1067282The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #14We fight to the top of "Shangri-La" for $20, meeting and beating up all kinds of people along the way in the name of "Training".SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Fortuna Mistral, Katja Hartkern2017-01-23 7 
March 2017
1216288The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #15The MC plays some D&D while stuck in the hospital, we get our masked vigilante on and conclude with some women's pro-wrestling.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Fortuna Mistral, G-Mantle, Ultima2017-03-07 6 
April 2017
1345118The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #16The MC uncovers something that could be big, but the players leave and it looks as though the quest will end prematurely...?SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF:R Quest, Fortuna Mistral2017-04-08 5 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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