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Archived Threads

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April 2014
31348296Reaper Quest Session 1We come out of hibernation, explore, and start to establish a foothold.Collective Game, Quest, Crossover, Reaper, Mass Effect, Warhammer 40k, 40k, Reaper Quest2014-04-09 6 
31362231Reaper Quest Session 2We indoctrinate the crew of a dying ship then run into a small problem towards the end. Collective Game, Quest, Crossover, Reaper, Mass Effect, Warhammer 40k, 40k, Reaper Quest2014-04-10 6 
September 2016
49190183Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 1: RebirthKimi Kemuri, a girl with white hair, wakes up in the Rukongai with only tattered memories of her old life and a grand destiny. Early archiveCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-09-05 20 
49262605Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 2: StudyKimi starts to study and train to become a proper soul reaper, along with her cheerful little friend Aya. Early archive.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-09-09 18 
49269207Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 2: Study part 2Kimi draws attention to herself after she beat the Shin'ō academy's zanjutsu instructor in a drawn out duel.But is it good or bad attCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-09-10 14 
580324Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 3: HollowKimi has learned the name of her Zanpakutō, and has become the talk of the Seireitei, much to her dismay. Early archive.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-09-16 15 
614659Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 4: Bloodless PeaceA week after Killing her first hollow, Kimi returns to her studies. But will she find any peace in them? Early archiveCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-09-23 13 
638657Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 5: ChoicesKimi continues tutoring her student,Byakuya Kuchiki.But,She also has to make some choices that will forge her destiny,or at least her futureCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-09-29 17 
October 2016
673230Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 6:FriendsFriends,life isn't worth living without a few. Kimi grows accustomed to the soul society,and looks for some excitement to ease the mundanitCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-10-07 15 
700774Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 7: Smoked HareSmoke and Rabbit meet. Kimi goes on another hollow hunt, this time to show the splintered Kenpachi Asagi that she isn't plotting to kill heCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-10-14 18 
733253Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 8:The Kuchiki's HoundFive years have past, and Kimi's Adventure continues from her tutoring, studying and training.Maybe now, she'll become a full soul reaper.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-10-21 20 
760682Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 9: Sixth DivisionKimi Joins the Sixth Division, Becoming a proper soul reaper. But with that title, comes duties.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-10-28 14 
November 2016
788258Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 10: SisterAya's been hurt and insulted by a comrade, and Kimi is filled with the rage of an older sister.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-11-04 15 
842832Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 11: Lost SoulKimi is given the task of guiding a stubborn spirit into the afterlife. And her friend Tora is sent along with her, into the mortal world.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-11-18 11 
867160Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 12:Day offA day off away from a soul reaper's usual duties?What will Kimi do with this free time? Will She even accept it?Since being lazy is a bit..Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-11-25 14 
December 2016
893344Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 13: Unlucky?While Kimi's hunting Hollows, Someone's hunting Shinigami.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-12-02 12 
924784Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 14: TodesjagerShinigami vs Quincy. Blade vs Gun. A fight to the death. Kimi and Tosen face a mad woman.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-12-10 16 
948634Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 15:Promotion Kimi's getting promoted! About damn time right?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-12-17 12 
991561Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 17:TwinsRevenge is a nasty thing, but to those who chase it, it is oh so sweet. Kimi is once again being huntedCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2016-12-30 16 
January 2017
1045174Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 18: AizenSosuke Aizen, a somewhat strange and lonely man.He seems nice enough but what is going on in his head?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-01-14 12 
1068145Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 19:RecoveryIts been a week since kimi fought Sosuke Aizen in a friendly duel, but she's still sore from it.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-01-20 12 
February 2017
1137231Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 20:Stolen BirdAYA'S IN DANGER!Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-02-06 14 
1152442Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 21:Confrontation between black and whiteA Showdown between mad Quincy and a scarred Soul reaper, and probably a few friends.Kimi heads to rescue AyaCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-02-11 13 
1212928Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 22: MasksKimi faces her deadliest foe yet, an aged quincy with a vendetta against her, wearing a dead hollow's mask. But will he be the only one to?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-02-27 12 
March 2017
1230328Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 23: ReapercussionsEvery actions has repercussions, Even the smallest choice can change everything.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-03-04 11 
1288062Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 24:FutureBut what does the future hold?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-03-20 13 
1320645Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 25:Nearly HollowKimi and Aizen deal with the Revelation of what she is.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-03-31 11 
April 2017
1378438Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 26: StudyKimi and Aizen work to understand her strange abilityCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-04-18 11 
1393963Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 27: Against the selfThe hardest battle, is one against the self.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-04-23 10 
May 2017
1470951Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 28: Conquer Kimi has defeated many enemies in both of her lives. But can she overcome one that is part of her?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-05-17 10 
1482743Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 29: Tommorow HoldsSo must has changed for Kimi so quickly. But what does tomorrow hold for her in the soul society? Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-05-21 10 
June 2017
1593945Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 30: Continue onDespite the pains and memories of the past, we must continue on down the road of life.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-06-20 8 
July 2017
1646825Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 31: Panic10 years have passed. Secrets have been stolen, changes have come, and new threats rise up.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-07-07 6 
1719882Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 32:ParanoiaSomeone is trying to kill Kimi,or worse in the land of the living, as she leads a few soul reapers in training on a field trip. Oh dear.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-07-29 11 
August 2017
1757108Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 33: GrudgeGrudges do an awful things to the soul. Kimi and Tosen once again face a quincy.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-08-09 8 
1820701Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 34: Deaths vs the deadA horde of the dead against two deaths. Kimi and Tosen once again find themselves outnumbered. But are they out matched?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-08-29 10 
September 2017
1878417Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 35: HollowedThe battle against the quincy reaches its head. Kimi faces a massive horde of hollows as Tosen takes on the quincy's "puppets"Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-09-18 8 
November 2017
2067226Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 36: Menos-ing ReturnKimi and Tosen destroy the last of the quincy puppets, and back up is on the way. But can they survive a battle against 2 menos?Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-11-13 7 
December 2017
2178438Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 37: Salvation AidReinforcements and salvation have arrived, and the long battle draws to a close. But something much more concerning still remainsCollective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2017-12-26 7 
January 2018
2268377Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 38After a seemingly endless battle, Kimi spends some quality time with her little sister. But not all is as serene as it seems.Collective Game, Fresh Sould Reaper Quest, The headmaster, Bleach, Soul Reaper, Shinigami2018-01-29 9 
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