/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2015
38723927Re:monster Snake Quest 5Our brave young snek manages to kill and eat an alligator thing and then /tg/ goes full fucking spaghetti. Re:monster Snake Quest, spaghetti overload, Dr.Unorigional2015-03-16 8 
38587340Re:Snake quest 1Some guy decides we need yet another one of these things, shenanigans ensue.Collective Game, Snake quest, Monstergirls,Re-Monster,Dr.Unorigional2015-03-16 14 
38790122Re:monster Snake Quest 6Hey, you know what helps when you drop all your pasta in front of complete strangers? A delivery of dead pigs!Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster 2015-03-19 16 
38849264Re:Monster Snake Quest 7Featuring the gaining of gainful employment!Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-03-22 11 
38930499Re:monster snake quest 8We finally meet some neighbors, and possibly start a huge shitfit.Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-03-26 10 
38936982Re:monster snake quest 8.5Apologies and sleepovers ensue, all because of crackhead assault. Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-03-26 9 
38989463Re:monster snake quest 9We eventually realize we are filthy, and come back into the possession of a seriously gamey by now deer. Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-03-29 9 
April 2015
39049808Re:monster Snake Quest 10We eventually actually deal with being filthy, have numerous snake related problems, and continue getting people in trouble by being nearby.Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-04-01 9 
39094048Re:monster Snake Quest 11We finish our bath, have more awkwardness, and make internal discoveries.Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-04-03 9 
39177509Re:monster Snake Quest 12How can you tell a quest has gotten popular? By all the claims of samefagging! Also, fuck panthers. Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-04-07 12 
39260375Re:monster Snake Quest 13In this episode, the little snake battles with unconsciousness.Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-04-10 7 
39265830Re:monster Snake Quest 13.5: Schollar Of The First Sin editionA continuation of Nightmare mode's nightmare, then OP leaves us on a cliffhanger, the dick.Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-04-11 6 
39282505Re:monster Snake Quest 14We wake up from our blood loss induced fever dream, meet a doctor with poor bedside manners, and finally finish up with a heartwarming scene. Off topic is a whole other story...Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-04-12 8 
39424663Re:monster snake quest 15We're finally out of the hospital and in the caring hands of little girls. Also, 420 blaze it or something.Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-04-19 6 
39468589Re:monster snake quest 16We demonstrate talents, and OP gets drunk.Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-04-21 6 
39527586Re:monster snake quest 17Timeskips occur, skills are learned, and sick door combos are performed. Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-04-24 7 
May 2015
39838663Re:Monster snake quest 18A new OP occurs, and we spin our wheels a bit in the transition. Hopefully.Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-05-09 2 
39849276Re:Monster snake quest 18.5In which we spin our wheels slightly less, but still have trouble getting used to things. Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-05-10 2 
39873497Re:monster snake quest 17?I have lost order of the number. Also, fires.Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-05-11 2 
40043100Re:monster snake quest 20End of Re:monster snake quest Discussion. Collective Game, Snake Quest, Monstergirls, Dr.Unorigional, Re-Monster, Snake2015-05-19 2 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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