/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2013
28340649Eldritch Souls questThe story of out hero begins with her death and her adoption of the name Owlman after awaking from death to find herself with the head and talon hands of an owl. She then proceeds to do fuck all besides get clothes and interact with some fellow former humansScholarofSouls, Eldritch soul quest, Owlman, The godamned Owl man, Death, Dark souls, Strange,2013-11-18 1 
28445701Soul Quest IErick Valstein is a Shardkeeper, a rare wielder of Soul magic. Here, he slays a great beast and is forced to leave his home behind.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-11-24 28 
28473714Soul Quest IIShardkeeper Erick Valstein begins his lonesome journey to the far south, and discovers a dangerous scenario in the swamp.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-11-25 21 
28512086Soul Quest IIIIn which Erick Valstein explores the swamp, and fights a close battle with another powerful creature.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-11-27 21 
December 2013
28768709Soul Quest IVShort thread, in which Erick Valstein faces off with a vile spirit.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-10 24 
28806075Soul Quest VIn which Erick Valstein establishes the terms of his new partnership, experiments with Soul rituals, and prepares to hit the road again.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-12 21 
28948239Soul Quest VIIn which Erick Valstein continues south beyond the swamp, and encounters a strange group in the forest.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-19 21 
29024813Soul Quest VIIErick Valstein dances with a dragon, and discovers that when it comes to Shardkeepers, the world might be smaller than it seems.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-23 21 
29115102Soul Quest VIIIErick Valstein learns a bit from his newfound comrades, who begin to introduce him to this unfamiliar location: Callestria.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-28 15 
29134502Soul Quest IXErick Valstein explores Callestria with Sonia at his side, and discovers the fate of his ancestors.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-29 14 
January 2014
29257905Soul Quest XCallestria is quickly devastated by Erick's battle with an incredibly powerful opponent... and a figure from his past.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-01-04 20 
29636181Soul Quest XIWith Callestria in shambles, Erick and company find a brief moment to plan their next move.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-01-20 16 
February 2014
30438299Soul Quest XIIErick and his party embark on their first proper hunting mission, and find something is amiss in a small village.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-02-24 11 
March 2014
30703744Soul Quest XIIIErick discusses the whereabouts of his Master, with Maraja, the Ocean Spirit.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-03-08 11 
30851473Soul Quest XIVErick learns of a dark Spirit, and binds another Shard with help from his company.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-03-16 9 
30878639Soul Quest XVIn faint whispers, withering Spirits speak of the traitorous Calizan, whom even the Dark fears.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-03-17 11 
April 2014
31566385Soul Quest XVIErick and company return to Callestria, to spread word of their successful endeavors.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-04-19 11 
31631189Soul Quest XVIIErick takes on an eager apprentice.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-04-22 11 
May 2014
32043751Soul Quest XVIIIErick receives a history lesson.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-05-11 7 
May 2015
39860483Soul Quest - The Crystal DragonYou are Kadi Seliance, Soul Master.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2015-05-10 6 
September 2020
4437841Advent Soul Quest #1Our resident trap gets tangled up in the spiritual world, meets a shinigami, and seeks to get stronger.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest2020-09-08 32 
October 2020
4447844Advent Soul Quest #23in1 Thread. Training, fighting, hollow shenanigans, consequences of mercy.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2020-10-07 37 
November 2020
4487131Advent Soul Quest #33in1 Thread. Finding a new life in the afterlife.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2020-11-02 33 
December 2020
4525574Advent Soul Quest #44in1 Thread. Surviving the deathcamp.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2020-12-06 32 
4560752Advent Soul Quest #53in1 Thread. Spiritual discoveries.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2020-12-21 31 
January 2021
4595058Advent Soul Quest #64in1 Thread. Dealing with threats.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2021-01-31 28 
February 2021
4632433Advent Soul Quest #73in1 Thread. Lots of bonding.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2021-02-20 27 
March 2021
4673761Advent Soul Quest #84in1 Thread. The homecoming.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2021-03-27 28 
April 2021
4729078Advent Soul Quest #93in1 Thread. Old and new friends.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2021-04-26 26 
June 2021
4845031Advent Soul Quest #104in1 Thread. Now this is power.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2021-06-30 25 
August 2021
4905003Advent Soul Quest #113in1 Thread. Making friends, enemies, and frenemies.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2021-08-05 24 
October 2021
4988077Advent Soul Quest #127in1 Thread. Rise of the spider realm.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2021-10-30 24 
December 2021
5044181Advent Soul Quest #133in1 Thread. Wait, what was it that we were doing again?Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2021-12-16 24 
February 2022
5104645Advent Soul Quest #14New arrancar, bankai time, and the return.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2022-02-03 24 
March 2022
5164302Advent Soul Quest #153in1 Thread. Dealing with the Tenjiso.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2022-03-29 24 
May 2022
5219148Advent Soul Quest #16South temple and bootleg hanran.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2022-05-15 23 
June 2022
5269971Advent Soul Quest #17Life happens and quest goes on hiatus. Check twitter & docs for return news. Thank you for reading.Bleach, Collective Game, AU, Advent Soul Quest, Trippy2022-06-18 15 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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