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!EabccEYuUs 07/01/11(Fri)16:21 No.15445601 File1309551698.jpg-(418 KB, 1000x638, WARca0207_09.jpg)
A low growl comes from below you. You look at your slave, and she stared back at you, mortified. She clasps her stomach, looking away, but the action only highlights your own hunger. It has been hours since you've last eaten, perhaps a day, and you don't know the last time the minion has been fed either.
You look at a particularly happy gor tending a slab of meat over a cooking rock. You forcefully bark and he yelps, groveling as he offers the steak to you.
Tearing it in two, with the larger portion for yourself, of course, you throw the gristle to the ground in front of your slave. She looks at you with hatred, but knows the price of trying to deny your generosity, and stoops to pick up and attempt to brush away the little bugs and blades of grass on her portion. You bite into the meat with relish, but instead of the warm flesh that you expect, it tastes hintedly of mushrooms. Your slave notices as well and tries to hold down her bile as she swallows, unable to contain her outburst.
"What is this offal?!" she cries out.
The gor looks at her with a toothy and chipped grin.
"That O-o-o-o-orc!" it nods.
You shrug and bite into it again. The slave looks to take the same color as the meat when it still lived, but takes another swallow as well.
What now? (2d12 with action, first four rolls considered) |