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!EabccEYuUs 07/02/11(Sat)01:24 No.15450884 File1309584273.png-(428 KB, 400x642, art_tzeentch2.png)
 >>15450790 >>15450815 (Man, that sucks. And the eight came just after the fourth post too...)
You let Tiresias go on about his future anecdotes and the newfound pride he has in his name, motioning for a few ungors to follow you. By now, the diminutive beastmen know well enough that you are a much mightier wizard than the bray shaman, though they would never admit that, and step lively to meet your stride.
You reach the boats uneventfully enough, and once there, you note that it is indeed filled with all sorts of armaments and foodstuffs. You look at one of the crates on the dock and notice a bushel of apples. Taking one, you throw it over your shoulder, knowing that the slave will catch it and perhaps be less prone to losing her stomach if she is fed with something her oh-so delicate composition craves. The cries of the ungor tell you that she indeed has caught the fruit, much to the chagrin of the small creatures. You mention for the ungor to start unloading one of the medium sized ships and they do so.
Unfortunately, you idly mention if the beastmen are skilled enough to use the boats. The ungor take this as a sign that you wish for a demonstration, and quickly unloop the anchor lines.
You scream and curse at the simpletons, and they cower in fear, one even jumping overboard, but the rest floating away into the foggy night sea.
A boatful of supplies and ungor, lost... how fickle the tides. (2d12 with action and first four posts considered, as always) |