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!!0ZviLFh59My 02/15/12(Wed)20:24 No.17966696 File: 1329355440.png-(308 KB, 850x587, sample_a8587356d66ddb0bc924627(...).png)
"Yeah, that great big blowhard has something planned for us, all right," the rakish-looking man says, entering the kitchen with an empty coffee pot. He saunters over to the coffee maker and swaps the empty one for a full one. "Eh?" he says, hoisting it at you, and both you and the other man let him pour you a mug each.
"Who, Patton?" you ask, adding some sugar to your mug and stirring briskly as you prepare to shovel more pancakes into your mouth with your free hand.
"Nah, Monty," the wide-faced man replies, sighing.
"I think he's still pissed about the flowerpots," the rakish-looking man replies seriously.
"That was fucking WORTH it," Wide-Face replies, grinning. "Christ, was it ever." He sips at his coffee, eyes dreamy with some treasured memory, then winces. "Bit strong. Hey, love, is there any creamer in here?"
"First refrigerator," Lynette replies cheerfully, whipping up the next batch of pancakes.
The broad, tall, handsome Brit strides over to the refrigerator with the air of man savoring the simple joys of an enclosed, powered, fully-stocked kitchen for the first time in many months. Still smiling, he opens the refrigerator.
And Erwin Rommel punches him in the fucking face. |