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!DowN/N3yMY 03/22/12(Thu)03:00 No.18413690 File: 1332399643.png-(19 KB, 318x470, grope erica.png)
 'hmnn Compete against you, an ace, in kill counts? I don't think so.' you tell her. 'I already have an arm out of commission, and I dont have as much mobility as you.' 'Pussy. heh.' Erica tells you 'If you can think of another condition, I might be willing to accept your terms.' you say. 'I'll think of something.' she tells you.
You walk on. 'STATUS?' keima asks the team. 'Me swim to rendevouz.' Amazoness says. 'Entering 9 now.' jun reports. 'Got delayed in 5. on my way.' you tell them 'Good, Gai, Hina, Erica and I will be waiting.' Keima answers you.
[ ]proceed to rendezvous point [ ]find the river [ ]what the fuck is that rustling? |