/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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August 2018
2813472For Hire: Episode 2 - Road to SilenceTaking his ship and sailing from Milo, Samuel and crew make their way toward trouble. Tales of a Lying Dog and Stony CatFor Hire Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Kov, FHQ, A Lying Dog and Stony Cat2018-08-22 11 
2832936For Hire: Episode 2 - Chasing Ghosts(Right name this time) Sam and crew continue their journey as secrets start to rise to the surface. Tales of a Lying Dog and Stony Cat.For Hire Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Kov, FHQ, A Lying Dog and Stony Cat2018-08-31 10 
September 2018
2870658For Hire: Episode 3 - Patient MonstersSam discovers something out in the void of space, slowly inching toward answers. Tales of a Lying Dog and Stony CatFor Hire Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Kov, FHQ, A Lying Dog and Stony Cat2018-09-11 11 
December 2018
3059586For Hire: Episode 4 - Restless ShadowsThe crew continues their journey through Unity-Point as details come to light. Tales of a Lying Dog and Stony Cat.For Hire Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Kov, FHQ, A Lying Dog and Stony Cat2018-12-07 8 
February 2019
3185057For Hire: Episode 5 - Soft LandingSamuel and crew make it to Leo, something is out there. Tales of a Lying Dog and Stony Cat.For Hire Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Kov, FHQ, A Lying Dog and Stony Cat2019-02-01 5 
3224397For Hire: Episode 6 - Something Wicked Leo is a den of lions, finding a foothold and pushing the door open is harder than it sounds. Tales of a Lying Dog and Stony Cat.For Hire Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Kov, FHQ, A Lying Dog and Stony Cat2019-02-15 5 
March 2019
3294840For Hire: Episode 7 - Your Thorn. My BadgeA dance, a drunk, and a job to do. Tales of a Lying Dog and Stony Cat.For Hire Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Kov, FHQ, A Lying Dog and Stony Cat 2019-03-10 5 
April 2019
3392229For Hire: Episode 8 - The Train JobSam completes his first job, technically. Moreh is... Moreh. Tales of a Lying Dog and Stony Cat.For Hire Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Kov, FHQ, A Lying Dog and Stony Cat2019-04-12 3 
June 2019
3544769For Hire: Episode 9 - A Blind EyeA meeting with a monarch and a meeting with a martyr. Tales of a Lying Dog and Stony Cat.For Hire Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Kov, FHQ, A Lying Dog and Stony Cat2019-06-19 2 
July 2019
3592011For Hire: Episode 10 - Walls of JerichoStrange dreams and stranger details fill Sam's thoughts. Tales of a Lying Dog and Stony Cat.For Hire Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Kov, FHQ, A Lying Dog and Stony Cat2019-07-07 1 
August 2019
3696072For Hire: Episode 11 - Walls of Jericho p.2Auction house and prep. Tales of a Lying Dog and Stony Cat.For Hire Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Kov, FHQ, A Lying Dog and Stony Cat2019-08-15 1 
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