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December 2012
22136850Bright QuestNewly minted Majors Bright and Char Aznable are ordered by Dozle Zabi to perform a joint investigation of the rumored Earth Federation Mobile Suit in development at Side 7.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2012-12-20 12 
22201973Bright QuestAll our personnel is transferred to the Siegfried, the route finalized (return to Loum), and a plan is hatched (Bright Infiltrates). Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2012-12-25 11 
22247424Bright Quest 3Bright discovers the Zudah Bay is only for Zudahs - and they fire out like missiles. Contact with ZIRCON established.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2012-12-27 12 
January 2013
22394282Bright Quest 4A lengthy series of interviews sees us select our new pilots, and Bright comes up with a way to test 'Triple'.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-01-05 11 
22545359Bright Quest 5In which bright meets the CO's of the commando teams, gains a ZIRCON Agent, a damn good piece of leaked Black Ops orders, and Briefs the troops on the Do's and Dont's of basic espionage. From: Solomon - To: LoumCollective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-01-13 8 
22697066Bright Quest 6In which Bright Noah drinks coffee in space, deals with insubordinate subordinates, and (possibly) takes down the real Midnight Insertion Team.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-01-21 7 
22823125Bright Quest 7In which the EFF Salamis cruiser Nero surrenders peaceably, and due to a natural 100, schematics for the RX-78-2 NT1 are found on the main frame.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-01-28 10 
February 2013
23065555Bright Quest 8In which Jean and Maryln find a Nuclear-capable MS-05 First Refined Type belonging to the 185th Airborne in the ruins of the colony shell office complex. Testing on the Zudahs has an inauspicious beginning. The Side Six Omake Begins.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-02-10 7 
23338701Bright Quest 9In which we test the Zudah 'Triple', and it pulls it's own weight. Continuation of Side Six Omake.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-02-24 10 
March 2013
23610769Bright Quest 10In which the subject of Felix Ceff is dealt with, an SD Card is found containing a closed door Zabi conference, Dozle uses Avalon Wonderland for Operation British, and Level Ups occur.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU2013-03-11 12 
23734782Bright Quest 11In which the reward tier option is utilized, and we switch to Char Azable to assault the United Steel EFF MS Development base and protect Riah!Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam2013-03-18 12 
April 2013
24221920Bright Quest 12bHere Kareem works as High Gee Courier while Char Anzable does defense of Riah.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam2013-04-14 10 
24510052Bright Quest 13In which Char Pilots the Bigro HG for Massive Damage. Scratch Another Magellan.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam2013-04-30 7 
May 2013
24900887Bright Quest 14In which both the Battle of Riah and the Side Six Omake comes to a close, with Zeon gaining E-Cap technology. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Bright Noah.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2013-05-19 8 
25071227Bright Quest 15In Which Bright Noah is revealed to be a Daikun in Disguise the entire time. And we disguise Tanks as construction equipment.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam2013-05-28 7 
July 2013
26131752Bright Quest 16In which SHE KNOWS, but Tactical Genius saves the day.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2013-07-21 7 
September 2013
26957816Bright Quest 17In Which we are briefed in full on the Infiltration Op, and the Zeon ships leave Loum. Kareem Councilman's fate is discovered.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2013-09-02 7 
October 2013
27969774Bright Quest 18In which the Nero (II) docks with Side Seven, and we meet Admiral Anderson.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2013-10-27 11 
November 2013
28470792Bright Quest 19In which we try and deal with the sister unit on the down low, and learn Tem Ray has a massive dirigible.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2013-11-25 5 
December 2013
29002172Bright Quest 20In which Mohai manages to keep his secrets, a grass roots anti-EFF movement is discovered on S7, Bright bumps into Yazan and Tenith, and Dozle Zabi Does Negotiations!Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2013-12-23 7 
March 2014
30851246Bright Quest 21BIn which Bright hands Yazan Gable and Tenneth A. Jung their Pilot's Permits, Ramba Ral knows all the things, and we remember Sayla is the Toku-sister.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2014-03-15 5 
April 2014
31731630Bright Quest 22In which the players discuss the best way to assault the MS testing facilities on Side 7.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2014-04-26 5 
31803316Bright Quest 22BIn which the Assault Plan is green lit, and Ramba is the Ralest of Rals.Collective Game, Bright Quest, Zeon, Char Aznable, AU, Gundam, HiZaku2014-04-29 8 
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