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June 2015
40700035Cognis Quest 1Our Protagonist, Sergei steals the experimental super mecha: Cognis, so he can pawn it off for dosh.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool2015-06-20 7 
40760715Cognis Quest 2Sergei meets up with his partners in crime: Lev and Anya. Together they escape Surden Nevik. Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool2015-06-23 5 
40800361Cognis Quest 3Our crew set up camp in an abandoned factory. Dialogue and exposition ensue.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool2015-06-25 2 
July 2015
40947033Cognis Quest 4The Cognis faces down a black ops team in an abandoned factory.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-01 2 
41075043Cognis Quest 4.5We play the Black Ops team and Foeskodal Army against each other then make our escape.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-07 2 
41302743Cognis Quest 5We make camp near the city of Glesk, Anya leaves us to contact the Zanvrans, while we agree to perform a little side job for some better equipment.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-19 1 
41370655Cognis Quest 6Sergei and Lev face off against some hired goons at the bar.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-22 2 
41455297Cognis Quest 7Segei and Lev make good on their deal with Dvorak.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-26 1 
41544928Cognis Quest 75.The Cognis faces off against a pair of deadly mercenaries, and we get our first upgrade.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-30 1 
August 2015
41626316Cognis Quest 8We switch to Anya's perspective for a little while and learn a bit about her past before escaping a black ops team in the present day.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-03 3 
41670204Cognis Quest 9We fight to link up with Anya, while cloaked Black Ops units ambushes us in the industrial sector. Also: The AESR Rep becomes our truck driver.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-05 2 
41810629Cognis Quest 10We make camp in a forest, get to know Sang and kill a giant turtle.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-12 2 
41891525Cognis Quest 11Team Cognis fucks up, and it's up to the ruthless mercenaries of the Blood Dragons PMC to save them.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-16 2 
42109415Cognis Quest 12Sergei and company plan their next move.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-27 2 
42195873Cognis Quest 13Sergei and Sang infiltrate an FAF supply base to try and get an IFF transponder.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-31 2 
September 2015
42239249Cognis Quest 14Lev and Anya have to pull Sergei and Sang out of the fire.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-09-03 2 
42380714Cognis Quest 15In which we get ambushed by IF peacekeepers.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-09-09 1 
42419503Cognis Quest 16We fuck up the Peace Keeper's shit and get high caliber cannon rounds to the face.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-09-11 2 
42602748Cognis Quest 17We get ambushed while performing repairs in the woods.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-09-20 3 
October 2015
42851844Cognis Quest 18The Final Act, where we face off against Proxy; a second super mech made by the manufacturers of Cognis.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-10-02 2 
November 2015
43396293Mech Quest Halloween 2015: Perils of the Ponderous Pumpkin PillagersOn Halloween a brave band of Mercs take their mecha on a rescue mission... But not all is as it seems!Cognis Quest, Collective Game, Halloween, Mech, 2015-11-01 5 
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