/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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June 2024
5992483Death of a Tyrant IThe corpse of King Suial the Third lies crumpled before you, the fury that just minutes ago burned in your chest subsiding.Death of a Tyrant, Collective game, Original Setting2024-06-11 8 
6010971Death of a Tyrant IIThe newly crowned king fights his would-be assassins in a gladiatorial arena.Death of a Tyrant, Collective game, Original Setting2024-06-11 8 
July 2024
6046623Death of a Tyrant IIIThe new king accepts his brother-in-law's call for aid against a barbarian horde. Thread is then prematurely archived by the jannies.Death of a Tyrant, Collective game, Original Setting2024-07-09 5 
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