/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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June 2015
40304723FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 2Oscar "mike" gold does some sightseeing with Chrom's crew Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-06-08 0 
40447283FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 3Oscar gets caught up in the city of Ylisstol Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-06-08 2 
40500759FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 4Oscar deals with pesky bandits the "Oscar" way Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-06-10 3 
40585125FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 5Oscar goes ahead and deals with pesky risen Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-06-14 2 
40645397FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 6Oscar Safely Secures Willamette mall Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-06-19 1 
40699956FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 7Oscar buys weaponry and goes to a lovely cafe Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-06-20 1 
40720854FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 8Dudley and Leona go ahead and try to find Oscar! Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-06-21 2 
40764116FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 9Oscar regains his senses and talks to other people Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-06-23 1 
40800886FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 10Oscar heads for the beach and Incredible revelations are found.... Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-06-25 1 
40843874FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 11Oscar has a healthy and fun experience with Cheren! Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-06-27 2 
July 2015
40933258FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 12Oscar gets a very important mission... Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-07-01 1 
40974825FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 13Oscar does some guard duty and we meet new personalities! Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-07-03 2 
41016207FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 14Oscar goes for a healthy snack and bumps in with Jotaro Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-07-05 1 
41142346FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 15Oscar arrives safely at Ylisstol! Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-07-11 1 
41286192FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 16Oscar gets to become an escort (again) and Leona gears up for her mission Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-07-18 1 
41395962FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 17Oscar goes beast mode and, Cheren finds his true calling! Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-07-23 1 
August 2015
41733482FIRE EMBLEM ADVENTURE QUEST PART 18Jack goes on a joytrip with Gaius and Frank tries to "Oscar" it up! Collective Game, Fire Emblem Quest 2015-08-10 1 
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