/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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January 2016
44836132Great Beast Quest #1We find lots of food and bring back a sharp pointy stick to the ownerGreat Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-17 11 
44919130Great Beast Quest #2We drive off some dwarves only to find MORE DWARVESGreat Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-21 10 
44938334Great Beast Quest #3Our walk back home is interrupted by a huge Grick. We deal with it then plan our patrol.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-22 7 
44985407Great Beast Quest #4We make dwarves really uncomfortable, then we go outside the mountain and destroy a zombie.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-24 7 
45007792Great Beast Quest #5We obliterate quite literally everything that stood on our path.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-25 10 
45028146Great Beast Quest #6We get are fed by bunch of adventurers, then we somehow, kind of force them to let us join their band.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-26 10 
45048105Great beast Quest #7Our first day of adventuring is filled with hunting, orc nagging and a bit of halfling bullying.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-27 8 
45087437Great beast Quest #8We decide to let the Mammoth go, instead we get a fish and actually get kind of tricked into being named.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-29 7 
45132904Great Beast Quest #9Our stay near the city goes south really bad and really fast.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-01-31 7 
March 2016
46178665Great Beast Quest #10We pack our shit and leave the city with Elia. Then we invade ILLEGAL BEAST FIGHTING CLUB.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-03-22 8 
46200308Great Beast Quest #11All that is meant to end well ends well. The Illegal Ring is over and everyone is mostly okay.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-03-23 10 
46222553Great Beast Quest #12We spot an Apex Predator, run away, then we separate from our group and get an interesting proposition.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-03-24 10 
46265774Great Beast Quest #13We decide to join the army. Then we find out the shocking meanings behind our names and we met the Alpha.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-03-26 6 
April 2016
46833433Great Beast Quest #14The siege starts. We get roughed up, but nothing major. We also killed some blue, hairy, vaguely human beast.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-04-22 6 
May 2016
158088Great Beast Quest Some wizards are having a fight or something.Great Beast Quest, Collective Game, Daboss2016-05-20 2 
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