/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2014
30963035Harem Protag Quest #1You are John Galt, sentient protagonist of a Harem Anime and you just woke up for your first day at the Cassandra College of Witches.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-03-21 39 
30985235Harem Protag Quest #2We meet our familiar, find out he's a dick, then get cuddled in our sleep and buy the cuddler food.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-03-22 30 
31006431Harem Protag Quest #3We head to our next class, discover and ancient rune and chat a few people up. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-03-23 28 
31039694Harem Protag Quest #4John goes to Physical training and meets a new teacher. She then proceeds to beat the class with a sword. Archived early.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-03-24 28 
31067759Harem Protag Quest #5John gets some extra credit, takes a shower and sees something that just might be from a different plane of existence.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-03-26 27 
31088361Harem Protag Quest #6John goes and gets his neighbor that meal he promised. Then we have a discussion about magic. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-03-27 26 
31167407Harem Protag Quest #7In which a whole lot of things happen very quickly after John wakes up.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-03-31 28 
April 2014
31227886Harem Protag Quest #8We get talked to by the Headmistress of the college and then get moved to a new residence.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-04-03 26 
31246680Harem Protag Quest #9John goes back to PT teacher for training and finds he has inherited the Way of The SwordHarem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-04-04 26 
31308386Harem Protag Quest #10John finishes talking to his sensei, gets pissed off by a busy ninja, and learns he's famousHarem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide, Busybodies2014-04-07 29 
31373983Harem Protag Quest #11John has another strange dream, then wakes up with someone he didn't expect. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-04-10 26 
31396410Harem Protag Quest #12In which John comes back from shopping and then makes miracles. Also, hanging out with Chris.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide, Breakfast2014-04-11 26 
31549460Harem Protag Quest #13John Galt discusses his dreams with Kaede, and gives two girls earth-shattering kisses.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide, 2014-04-18 25 
31567330Harem Protag Quest #14John gets into a fight and enchants a thing.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-04-19 27 
31630674Harem Protag Quest #15In which John goes to gym class and has a fight with Chris.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-04-22 27 
31669183Harem Protag Quest #16In which there is class, sparring and snuggling.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-04-24 27 
31764778 Harem Protag Quest #17In which John continues his streak of plot occurring in the morning.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-04-28 27 
31790402 Harem Protag Quest #18In which Lydia shows that she's a serious antagonist, and a tank gets atomized.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-04-29 29 
May 2014
31833880Harem Protag Quest #19Shocking swerve we all saw coming, time skip, level up, and hot sweaty actionHarem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-05-01 39 
31876424Harem Protag Quest #20In which we get our injuries healed up and meet the Witchball Team!Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-05-03 35 
31982411Harem Protag Quest #21We make a promise to Tatsuko, and talk shop with the Witchball team!Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-05-08 26 
32072999Harem Protag Quest #22Harem Protag, to the rescue! We generously elect to support our loving maiden KaedeHarem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-05-12 25 
32093638Harem Protag Quest #23In which John deals with what he awoke in the Church. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide, Fluffy Wings2014-05-13 28 
32208687Harem Protag Quest #24Dealing with fainting and other fun things. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-05-19 27 
32383800Harem Protag Quest #25We deal with the house and finally get to that dinner. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-05-27 30 
June 2014
32719536Harem Protag Quest #26Guide comes back, then we deal with the aftermath of the last thread. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-06-12 31 
33007460 Harem Protag Quest #27John meets with his favorite eldritch being, gets a favorable report of the previous night, and gets ambushed in the shower.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-06-26 30 
July 2014
33793130Harem Protag Quest #28In which we get this thing going again. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-07-31 29 
August 2014
33886129Harem Protag Quest #29We go on a date with Kaede. (ps. Waifu Quest was still better)Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-08-04 29 
34083639Harem Protag Quest #30In which we fight a thing. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-08-12 31 
34250882Harem Protag Quest #31We go home and try to explain our date to our harem.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide, Fluffy Wings2014-08-19 27 
34272600Harem Protag Quest #32In which we level up and other fun stuff. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-08-20 34 
34330399Harem Protag Quest #33Another day, another stretch.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-08-23 37 
34466281Harem Protag Quest #34A mostly normal day, that also involves lots of magic. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-08-29 29 
34515306Harem Protag Quest #35Another full day in the life of John Galt. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-08-31 29 
34523335Harem Protag Quest #36The day of the fluffening commences.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide, Fluffy Wings2014-08-31 33 
September 2014
34621688Harem Protag Quest #37More angels, a reaper and Witchball!Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide, Fluffy Wings2014-09-04 28 
34746903Harem Protag Quest #38We actually get to the witchball!Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide, Fluffy Wings2014-09-09 29 
34818465Harem Protag Quest #39More witchball and the aftermath of the game.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-09-12 28 
34841479Harem Protag Quest #40Free day before the beach. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-09-13 39 
34905799Harem Protag Quest #41You. Will. Get. Them. Back.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-09-16 28 
34951186Harem Protag Quest #42More searching, this time with friends.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-09-18 26 
34979656Harem Protag Quest #43John goes after the most dangerous game.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-09-19 29 
35065168Harem Protag Quest #44John brings back Akitsu then dives right back in. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-09-23 31 
October 2014
35259671Harem Protag Quest #45Continuing Johns rescue of his harem. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-10-02 29 
35592723Harem Protag Quest #46Guide returns after two weeks, we keep getting them waifu's back!Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-10-18 26 
35612301Harem Protag Quest #47Dropped into the middle of a mothering great battle, John starts saving some Angels!Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide, Fluffy Wings2014-10-19 26 
35705415Harem Protag Quest #48Almost done with the saving of waifus, John keeps on trucking. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-10-23 26 
35730587Harem Protag Quest #49John continues his rescue of Kaname. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-10-24 26 
35811059Harem Protag Quest #50We reach 50 threads! Guide keeps writing, John keeps saving girls and being John!Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-10-28 33 
35876987Harem Protag Quest #51After rescuing Nanoha, John continues forward. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-10-31 28 
November 2014
35957349Harem Protag Quest #52John wakes up in a very nice place, then has to fight some more. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-11-04 26 
36099107Harem Protag Quest #53After reuniting a mother and daughter, John finally ends this. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-11-11 28 
36244963Harem Protag Quest #54In which we wake up in a cuddle pile. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-11-18 26 
December 2014
36524108Harem Protag Quest #55We finally get to that vacation. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2014-12-02 28 
January 2015
37262291Harem Protag Quest #56Guide comes back, dealing with angry people and eager fighters.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2015-01-09 28 
37487142Harem Protag Quest #57Fun on the beach with your girls!Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2015-01-19 26 
37637921Harem Protag Quest #58Upgrade thread! Then more time at the Inn. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2015-01-26 26 
37728279Harem Protag Quest #59Bed time for John, then more shenanigans!Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2015-01-30 25 
February 2015
37800281Harem Protag Quest #60John talks with Miya and more exciting things. Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-02 25 
38108973Harem Protag Quest #61Valentine's Special!Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-16 25 
May 2015
39717887Harem Protag Quest #62After forever and a half, John comes back!Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2015-05-03 29 
March 2019
3329781Harem Protag Quest 63Guide isn't dead. John isn't either.Harem Protag Quest, Collective Game, Guide2019-03-09 16 
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