/qst/ Thread Archive

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January 2016
44820529Homonculi Civilization Quest: Activated ComplexCyclopsOP finally comes out of Hiatus to try his hand at a new Civ Quest: Homonculi.Homonculi, Homonculi civilization, quest, civilization, collective game,2016-01-17 28 
44966033Homonculi Civilization Quest: Activated Complex 2Together we make ourselves more comfortable, make some new Homonculi and introduce ourselves to "Lilith".Homonculi, Homonculi civilization, quest, civilization, collective game,2016-01-24 21 
45115944Homonculi Civilization Quest: Activated Complex 3 The Technician briefly becomes indisposed and everything just falls apart in beautiful, but horribly ways.Homonculi, Homonculi civilization, quest, civilization, collective game,2016-01-31 20 
February 2016
45260844Homonculi Civilization Quest: Consious InceptionWe design and produce a new "Amazon" Model, make ourselves more familiar with the Pilgrim & Lilith and finally deal with that pesky ChimerHomonculi, Homonculi civilization, quest, civilization, collective game,2016-02-07 20 
45401798Homonculi Civilization Quest: Conscious Inception 2We unravel new and ominous mysterious concerning our origins and the world around us and then produce a sweet new "Salamander" Flamer modeHomonculi, Homonculi civilization, quest, civilization, collective game,2016-02-14 18 
45539772Homonculi Civilization Quest: Conscious Inception 3 We develop another unit called the "Apothecary", we collect even more genetics and tossle with a Dullahan!Homonculi, Homonculi civilization, quest, civilization, collective game,2016-02-21 11 
45682738Homonculi Civilization Quest: Silhouette of The EgoWe go in deep investigating the neighboring sapient forces governing the tower and find ourselves with many new friends.Homonculi, Homonculi civilization, quest, civilization, collective game,2016-02-28 12 
March 2016
45822583Homonculi Civilization Quest: Silhouette of The Ego 2The Pilgrim comes home, but mostly we work our way through the delicate process of appeasing and satisfying our fleshy wife/mom: Lilith.Homonculi, Homonculi civilization, quest, civilization, collective game,2016-03-06 14 
45967364Homonculi Civilization Quest: Silhouette of The Ego 3We flex our green thumbs, Introduce ourselves to the Undead community and our Imp gets a controversial upgrade.Homonculi, Homonculi civilization, quest, civilization, collective game,2016-03-13 10 
46120314Homonculi Civilization Quest: HomeostasisWe finally open that can of Undead Worms that have been plaguing us from the start. It's the beginning of the end of our journey.Homonculi, Homonculi civilization, quest, civilization, collective game,2016-03-20 10 
46271757Homonculi Civilization Quest: Homeostasis 2 Things pretty much get way out of hand after we finally run into the real Baba Koschei - The lich and owner of the 'tower'. Homonculi, Homonculi civilization, quest, civilization, collective game,2016-03-27 7 
April 2016
46419649Homonculi Civilization Quest: Homeostasis Finale The Homonculi Civ Quest comes to an End.Homonculi, Homonculi civilization, quest, civilization, collective game,2016-04-03 3 
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