/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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January 2013
22850428Jedi Quest IWe are Roa Koo'lade, a Youngling hoping to become a Jedi GuardianJedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Collective Game, Star Wars, Youngling, Training, Lightsaber2013-01-29 11 
February 2013
22958349Jedi Quest IIOur hero has a heated confrontation with the local bully. Afterwards, a certain Jedi Master approaches and asks to take her as his new Apprentice.Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Collective Game, Star Wars, Youngling, Training, Lightsaber2013-02-04 13 
23076795Jedi Quest 3Roa gets breakfast, meets the High Council to receive her first mission alongside her Master, and finally gets in some saber practice.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Star Wars, Padawan, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-02-10 12 
23329574Jedi Quest IVRoa and Mastre Plo Koon board their escort ship, the Republic diplomatic cruiser Estrella. Roa promptly gets a crash course on Zabrak culture and life among the stars.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Star Wars, Padawan, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-02-23 12 
March 2013
23588264Jedi Quest 4.5An unfortunately short quest in which we start controlling Jedi Master Plo Koon before OP falls asleep at his desk.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Star Wars, Padawan, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-03-09 10 
23719165Jedi Quest VIn the brig of a pirate corvette with her master raising hell on the opposite end of the ship, our hero makes new friends (of sorts). Then the pirates show up.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Star Wars, Padawan, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-03-17 11 
April 2013
24245946Jedi Quest 6Roa shoots up the pirate ship's reactor controls and blows up Reppintar (and herself).Jedi Quest, Jedi, Collective Game, Quest, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-04-16 13 
September 2013
27402030Jedi Quest 7Roa and her Master go to capture the other half of the pirate ship before they receive a transmission from another ship.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Essvee, Roa Koo'lade, Lightsaber, Star Wars, Plo Koon2013-09-25 15 
January 2014
29495951Jedi Quest 8Chitchat and meditation on the way to Fondor.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Essvee, Roa Koo'lade, Lightsaber, Star Wars, Plo Koon2014-01-14 12 
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