/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2013
28303509Incubator Quest 1In which a young woman gets beaten up, gets superpowers, and meets a magic grayscale cephalopod in her dreams.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2013-11-16 15 
28358812Incubator Quest 2In which a young woman confronts her girlfriend's older brother and then gets a pile of exposition dumped on her.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist, Exposition Ho2013-11-19 8 
28397817Incubator Quest 3In which a young woman makes cookies, studies chemical engineering, and goes on a date.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist, Not Much Happens2013-11-21 5 
28452644Incubator Quest 4In which a young woman dreams, wakes up, and then talks on the phone. A lot.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist, Exposition Ho2013-11-24 5 
December 2013
28655655Incubator Quest 5In which a young woman gathers information, lays plans, and inadvertently antagonizes her girlfriend.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist 2013-12-05 6 
28759728Incubator Quest 6In which a young woman meets a young man and tells him the low-down, goes out to a club, and then gets surprised.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist 2013-12-10 5 
28837176Incubator Quest 7In which a young woman fights another incubator. Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2013-12-14 4 
28922242Incubator Quest 8In which a young woman explains herself and tracks down another Incubator.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist 2013-12-18 6 
29001536Incubator Quest 9In which a young woman fights another Incubator, spooks her mother, and lies through her teeth.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist 2013-12-22 4 
January 2014
29434897Incubator Quest 10In which a young woman goes to meet another Incubator.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist 2014-01-12 2 
29604418Incubator Quest 11In which a young woman talks to a cult leader.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-01-19 0 
29777770Incubator Quest 12In which a young woman manufactures some explosives.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-01-26 0 
February 2014
29945919Incubator Quest 13In which a young woman gets retconned, discusses strategy, and goes on a date.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-02-02 1 
30121627Incubator Quest 14In which a young woman goes on a date but gets called away for other pressing matters.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-02-10 2 
30213014Incubator Quest 15In which a young woman practices some things and tries to apologize.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-02-14 1 
30255943Incubator Quest 16In which a young woman talks to her girlfriend and hangs out with her best friend.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-02-16 0 
30411401Incubator Quest 17In which a young woman calls her older brother, a comrade-in-arms, and talks about stalkers a lot.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-02-23 2 
March 2014
30673180Incubator Quest 18In which a young woman deals with a friend's stalker, and picks up a girl.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-03-07 2 
30710476Incubator Quest 19In which a young woman talks on the phone a bunch.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-03-09 1 
30850278Incubator Quest 20In which a young woman converses with a new friend during a sleepover.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-03-16 1 
31098215Incubator Quest 21In which a young woman hangs out with her girlfriend and her girlfriend's older brother.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-03-28 2 
31138058Incubator Quest 22In which a young woman gets hit in the head a whole lot.Incubator Quest, Collective Game, Superhero, Lesbian Protagonist, Female Protagonist2014-03-29 2 
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