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February 2017
1091300EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 5: Janus and The Resurgence of Life The landmasses of Janus begin to receive animal visitors from the ocean. They are also bequeathed namesCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system2017-02-01 2 
1127053EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 6: Janus's Age of BiodiversityThe landmasses of Janus start to get a little crowded as life continues to evolve, growing ever larger and more complex.Collective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system2017-02-15 2 
1173150EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 7: The Rienia Ice Age We return once again to Rienia and watch as life gets a grip on the unwelcoming shores of Rienia's continents Collective game, evogame, Rienia, evo, evolution, Lunt system, Magedivatian era2017-02-27 2 
March 2017
1218817 EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 8: Rienia's Age of Biodiversity The geographical features of Rienia receive names, life keeps on evolving, and omens of great change for both Rienia and Janus emergeCollective Game, evo, evolution, Rienia, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system2017-03-09 2 
1263602EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 9: The Western Shores of JanusThe first of Janus' regional threads takes us to the Aetheria region. Here life thrives and new biomes are founded. Also it rains a lotCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system2017-03-22 3 
April 2017
1316086EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 10: The Western Lands of RieniaThe first of Rienia's regional threads where its western lands get some evolutionary attention. Also the Troc start to be relevant again. Collective Game, evo, evolution, Rienia, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Region One2017-04-08 5 
1371295EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 11: The Meridian Islands of JanusJanus's central region receives similar treatment to its first,except with Tundra stuff and Atoll stuff. Also Stridler get way more popularCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Region Two2017-04-25 1 
May 2017
1412459EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 12: The Medial Edenlands of RieniaThe evolution fairy visits Rienia's Corpus region, bringing gifts for all the good(or at least surviving)species. Also caverns/forests exisCollective Game, evo, evolution, Rienia, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Region Two2017-05-08 2 
1459115EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 13: The Eastern Mainlands of JanusIn this episode of "Tale of Two Moons" The deserts become home to a lot of sentient plants and new environments begin cropping up everywheCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Region Three2017-05-25 1 
June 2017
1523076EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 14: The Rustree Forests of the Far East The last terrestrial thread of the Magedivatian era sees the arrival of many new organisms, throughout Tundra, Forests and Mountain rangesCollective Game, evo, evolution, Rienia, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Region Three2017-06-09 2 
1583272EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 15: The Glistening Oceans of Janus In this edition of "Tale of Two Moons" we take evolution to the oceans of Janus and finally say goodbye to its base organismsCollective Game, evo, evolution, Janus, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Oceans2017-06-27 1 
July 2017
1637174EvoGame - Tale of Two Moons Part 16: The Sapphire Oceans of RieniaAs evolution comes to Rienia's oceans its base organisms go the way of the Dodo, and the Lunt system is graced by a strange traveller.Collective Game, evo, evolution, Rienia, evogame, Magedivatian era, Lunt system, Oceans2017-07-15 1 
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