/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2021
4622666Open Roads Quest #1; Setting OutWe arrive in Angelsfield and conduct our business. A route is set for Jironth, and we have a physical alteraction with a Capwell lackey.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-02-21 5 
March 2021
4671772Open Roads Quest Quest #2: Leaving AngelsfieldWe uncover a gunpowder plot and OP is stricken with the Curse.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Mercantile, Journey, Caravan2021-03-23 2 
April 2021
4723763Open Roads Quest #3; Gunpowder Plots and Nasty ThoughtsWe navigate through some social encounters, discover a cheat, and prepare for the road to the city of IskanderOpen Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-04-27 3 
May 2021
4778408Open Roads Quest #4; Meander to IskanderTristan Stonyfield solves some disputes, has a heart to heart moment, and stiffens his resolve before visiting the Trunk Family.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-05-28 2 
June 2021
4846607Open Roads Quest #4; Big City DealingsTristan Stonyfield squares away a few minor matters before escorting cousin Hettie to a fancy party at Lady Tabitha Blackmoore's residence.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Mercantile, Journey, Caravan2021-06-25 2 
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