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February 2013
22985164Grand Ocean Quest IIIOphelia Reers explores the use of her powers, talks to her guns in creepy ways, and acts a hero. Sail on the winds of Profit!Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo2013-02-05 12 
23037379Grand Ocean Quest IVOphelia Reers "acquires" the spoils from defeating the pirates, and calms down angry villagers. Voyaging to Loguetown...Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo2013-02-08 10 
23174036Grand Ocean Quest VIOphelia Reers continues her adventures in Loguetown! Tending to Nicolas's wound, she finds the Havoc that Jojo and Bartleby have caused. Later, we find out Jojo's secret...Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers2013-02-15 10 
23193462Grand Ocean Quest VIIOphelia Reers continues her tromp around in Loguetown! She visits the merchant Guild and takes on a deal that directs her to the Grand Line's Alabasta to investigate illegal trade! Also, Jojo gets some real clothes.Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger2013-02-16 7 
23209880Grand Ocean Quest VIIIOphelia Reers acquires gun upgrades and buys new gear for her employes/crew.Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger2013-02-17 9 
23273170Grand Ocean Quest IXOphelia Reers gains a new crew member and bails Bartleby out of jail. Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger2013-02-20 11 
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