/qst/ Thread Archive

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May 2024
5967085PCQN- The Romance of Trench Face- Anya Drawquest Part 1Away from the familiar trials of battle, Sergeant Anya Nowicki navigates the untested waters of courtship and companionship...Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Otome Mode, terrible romance2024-05-16 3 
July 2024
6017241PCQN- The Romance of Trench Face- Anya Drawquest Part 2The specters of past deeds and new times are met- and dealt with- and the three trials to compete for a man's heart begin.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Otome Mode, terrible romance, motorcycles2024-07-02 3 
August 2024
6060873PCQN- The Romance of Trench Face- Anya Drawquest Part 3The Otome comes to an end- a duel in the moonlight, the sound of motorcycles and the spatter of blood and love.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Otome Mode, terrible romance, motorcycles, ritual scarification2024-08-31 3 
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