/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2014
30121329Urban SHAZAM QuestHolly Stone, witch, runs from thugs, kneecaps fools, and gets a taste of delicious, delicious morphine.Collective Game, Urban Shazam Quest, urban fantasy2014-02-09 6 
30196141Urban SHAZAM Quest, Thread 2Holly Stone, witch, armors herself with a suit of gravel, METAL GEAR's her way past a bunch of goons, and gets herself stuck in a massive gunfight.Urban SHAZAM Quest, Collective Game, urban fantasy2014-02-13 7 
30354918Urban SHAZAM Quest, Thread 3Holly Stone, Witch, gets a case, summons a hellhound, and goes against the Soviet Mole People.Collective Game, Urban SHAZAM Quest, urban fantasy2014-02-20 8 
30507008Urban SHAZAM Quest, Thread 4Holly Stone, witch, gets herself an AK-47, suits up in tacticool scrap-metal body armor, and battles her way through the lair of the Soviet Mole People.Urban SHAZAM Quest, Collective Game, urban fantasy2014-02-27 5 
March 2014
30677411Urban SHAZAM Quest, Thread 5Holly Stone, witch, finds her mark, negotiates with a giant talking monolith, and runs for her life when she makes it very, very angry.Urban SHAZAM Quest, Collective Game, urban fantasy2014-03-07 5 
30938753Urban SHAZAM Quest, thread 6Holly Stone, witch, fends off a giant spike with magic, has her rage break, and finally escapes the lair of the Soviet Mole People.Urban SHAZAM Quest, Collective Game, urban fantasy2014-03-20 5 
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