/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2008
2839994Bloodthirster in NYCA Bloodthirster is summoned in Times Square on January 1, 2013. What happens next?40k, bloodthirster, what if2008-10-22 6 
December 2008
3098046Humans are long-livedLike 'Humans are insane' but with longevity.humans, insane, space elves, longevity, aliens, scifi, setting, what if2008-12-02 7 
August 2009
5591411Lord High Chancellor of the RealmYou are the Lord High Chancellor, and adventurers are causing economic chaos in your lands, what do you do?Awesome, what if2009-08-25 7 
April 2010
9251334Commissar RangersA thread about what would happen if Horus came back to fight Terra turns into a discussion about the Chaos-Stomping Commissar Rangers and their fights with Chaos.Commissar, Power Rangers, Horus Heresy, What if,2010-04-17 18 
October 2010
12311732If Movies and TV were campaignsWhat if movies, tv shows and vidya were campaigns?what if, rpg, bullshit2010-10-03 16 
12317016What if Movies and TV were Campaigns 2A continuation of the first with some nice mind blowing actionwhat if, rfp, movie, TV, 2010-10-04 5 
November 2010
12752554What if Movies and TV were Campaigns 3Yet another continuation, bringing more hilarity to the table.what if, rfp, movie, TV, vidja2010-11-11 5 
June 2014
32493850Space Marines appear in 2014OP asks what would happen if a space marine appear in their presence. Reality and writefaggotry ensueWhat if, Write Faggotry, Space Marines, 40k, 2014-06-01 5 
June 2015
40400160The Quietening of the Warp pt 1Anon surmises what would happen if the Warp Gods suddenly vanished. Write Faggotry ensues.writefaggotry, WH40k, What if?, Lore Thread2015-06-05 7 
November 2015
43639717Be a Terran marine...A discussion about poor fate of Terran marines devolves into awsomesauce-flavoured "what if Angron died on Nuceria?"Angron, Kharn, HH, Horus Heresy, Legions, Space Wolves, Space Marines, What If2015-11-15 11 
February 2016
45146238Pirates of the Caribbean as an RPG CampaignA few writefags re-invent various scenes from the Pirates of the Caribbean as the antics of group of RPG players.Writefag, stories, Pirates, Pirates of the Caribbean, story, what if2016-02-02 57 
May 2018
59871442Modern ByzantiumAnons consider the possibility and implications of the Byzantine Empire surviving the 1400s.alternate history, byzantine empire, roman empire, what if, /his/, don't need other boards2018-05-23 6 
May 2019
3483879MvA: Muppets Vs. Alien skirmish quest 1In the first session, the Muppets scour around the USCSS Nostromo before entering into a one-way fight for survival with an alien threat.What Ifs, Skirmish, Alien, Muppets, Collective Game2019-05-06 2 
3497845MvA: Muppets Vs. Alien skirmish quest 2In the second session, A caveman gets freaky with technology, Steve and Rizzo try to hide elsewhere, and a Beaver gets geeky at the garage.What Ifs, Skirmish, Alien, Muppets, Collective Game2019-05-12 2 
3530507MvA: Muppets Vs. Alien skirmish quest 3In this session, Steve suffers a weird dream while binge drinking at the gallery.What Ifs, Skirmish, Alien, Muppets, Collective Game2019-05-27 1 
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