/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2009
3938847World War I CrusadesA picture plus a quick paragraph of story sparks speculation about what if the Crusades had access to World War I chemical weapons.world war 1, crusades2009-03-12 11 
April 2011
14637058Horror in the Trenches/tg/ talks about horror in the trenches of the Western Front of World War 1. Some great ideas and inspiring images.world war 1; horror; trenches; depression;2011-04-19 13 
October 2012
21190429That Feel: The Saddest Thing I KnowOP needs a tragic background story for a character. Halfway through the thread a Dane tells the story that he calls 'The Saddest Thing I Know', /tg/ doesn't have time to brace before the impact and is blown away by what can only be described as possibly the worst feel ever.That Feel, The Saddest Thing I Know, First World War, World War 1, Denmark, Danish, Dane, worst feel ever, feels, sadness, storytime2012-10-19 22 
December 2017
2142928The Greatest War #1We meet our soldier of the great German Empire, romance the childhood friend, and pass graduation. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2017-12-22 15 
2163822The Greatest War #2We do something that no other soldier would have, making a long term friend in the process. We then learn about the horrors of war. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2017-12-28 6 
January 2018
2164874Youjo Senki: In War, Peace 1As Elise Korsch, we find ourselves on the Rhine Front, fighting against the Francois Republic.Youjo Senki Quest, Saga Of Tanya The Evil, Collective Game, World War 1 2018-01-03 4 
2180869Youjo Senki: In War, Peace 2As Elise Korsch, we find ourselves on the Rhine Front, fighting against the Francois Republic.Youjo Senki Quest, Saga Of Tanya The Evil, Collective Game, World War 1, Blitzweeb 2018-01-07 2 
2182505The Greatest War #3We find ourselves in a horrifying place, and the Banshee's Choir calls to usGreatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-01-09 5 
2219307The Greatest War #4Jäger meets back up with Seven, and has a friendship confirmed. A brief run in with The Choir follows. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-01-21 5 
February 2018
2255978The Greatest War #5We do what's best for Nixie, and get to the rear of the front. We also try to help Siegfried as best we can. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-02-07 4 
2295902The Greatest War #6We do what's right, and find our selves punished for it. The Unit takes on a new mascot.Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-02-20 2 
March 2018
2325958The Greatest War #7We push the front, and show the others what Sturmtruppen can do. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-03-05 5 
May 2018
2490138The Greatest War #8We shoot a bitch and it inspires fan art.Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-05-07 2 
June 2018
2632296The Greatest War #9We finish off our battle, and the levity of Hauptmann's situation dawns. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-06-27 6 
March 2019
3286838The Greatest War Quest 12Jäger returns from the French lines, reunites with Siegfried and Hauptmann and sets out on Operation Gottzunge after resting with Nixie. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2019-03-06 3 
3321529The Greatest War #13Jäger finds out the secret of the Uhermacher, and his newly formed unit run into EXCAL. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2019-03-23 2 
June 2019
3496847The Greatest War #14Jäger begins his engagement against EXCAL Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2019-06-01 2 
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