/qst/ Thread Archive

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February 2017
1179499This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #1You are Lieutenant Commander Reynolr, of the Citadel Empire, recently-promoted captain of the CAS Brora (PS-4-917), an armed trawlersea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-02-22 33 
1193605This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #2The crew explores the ruins of Rinyak Island, speak at length with a prisoner, and find intelligence that leads to the Battle of Sbvysek. sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-02-25 25 
March 2017
1205444This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #3Reynolr travels to Scrap Bay after the Battle of Sbvysek, learns more about the enemy Republic, and meets two scientists and Céleste Chapuissea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-03-01 25 
1223626This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #4Reynolr attends the celebration ball with Céleste, settles some business, and learns more about some strange jewels and the Old Empire.sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-03-10 23 
1280473This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #5Reynolr parts with Céleste, disposes of his Republic prisoner, and fights a brutal battle to a draw south of the Kraegsk, in the Interim Seasea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-03-20 4 
1260105This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #5Reynolr parts with Céleste, disposes of his Republic prisoner, and fights a brutal battle to a draw south of the Kraegsk, in the Interim Sea sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-03-20 24 
April 2017
1345969This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #6The wounded Brora seeks refuge in from the storm in a leering fortress, and Reynolr discovers some horrors and wonders of the past. sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-04-17 23 
May 2017
1413759This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #7Reynolr embarks on a stealth mission to sink a capital ship, and encounters moral questions and strange old world machinery along the waysea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-05-15 20 
June 2017
1521639This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #8The Brora fights another sea battle, and Reynolr joins a drunkard's quest by airship to loot an ancient spire in the north.sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-06-10 20 
1584383This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #9 Reynolr returns to scrap bay and meets an old friend.Heartfelt conversations are had as he uses his leave to embark on a personal adventure.sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-06-27 20 
July 2017
1619056This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #10Violence and intrigue aboard the airship Maitresse.sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-07-08 12 
August 2017
1698144This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #11 wThe Maîtresse reaches its destination. Reynolr and his team explore an auxiliary port. sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-08-04 11 
February 2018
2263052This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #12Reynolr decides this exploration is no place for an honest sailor and opts to leave with the Maîtresse sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22018-02-10 6 
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