/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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December 2016
846329YouthQuest - SHOT THROUGH THE HEART Edition Faggots.Manhorse, Youth Quest, freelance2016-12-05 5 
880960YouthQuest: Classroom Pipe Dreams EditionThis is an american highschool apparently. Expect homicides, eldrich horrors and chunnis en masse!Manhorse, Youth Quest, freelance2016-12-12 2 
918795YouthQuest - Post Times Are a Myth EditionThe high-school turns into a battlefield of epic proportions. Death, life and stupidity are omnipresent. AND THEN THERE IS THIS FAGGOT!Manhorse, Youth Quest, freelance2016-12-20 0 
952344YouthQuest: Cheese EditionThe Gang war ends, with the death of the last of the leaders. School life returns to normality. Until Christmas happens.Manhorse, Youth Quest, freelance2016-12-28 1 
January 2017
983210YouthQuest: Online EditionEvent-Bossrush happens, and we even get a bit more lore. And students engage in... Did I mention that a not-so-much-angel gets his wings?Manhorse, Youth Quest, freelance, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern2017-01-06 3 
1015645YouthQuest: Tito "Dick" Dickman Baby EditionThe students prepare for the FINAL event-boss, lewdness get shut down, and the kill count goes up drastically. And that's pretty much it.Manhorse, Youth Quest, freelance, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Cults, Ocean Blue2017-01-14 2 
1044194YouthQuest: Internal Suffering EditionThings FINALLY return to normal, but plot twists happen left and right. We also get a lot of exposition, and like that the TRUE game begins.Manhorse, Youth Quest, freelance, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Cults, Ocean Blue, ROMANCE, Drama2017-01-24 1 
February 2017
1086324YouthQuest: Nanomachine EditionIn the aftermath of the raid on the greenhouse, every man is free to fight their own wars again. But not for the better, but for the worse.Manhorse, Youth Quest, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Cults, Ocean Blue, ROMANCE, Drama, Consequences2017-02-03 2 
March 2017
1203931YouthQuest: Memories EditionWe didn't miss much, and move on towards exploring the forests, finaly doing alchemy and fighting the first couple of rivals.Manhorse, Youth Quest, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Ocean Blue, Drama, Consequences, Plot, Riddles2017-03-09 1 
1238810YouthQuest: Of Mice and NomadsRivals taken care of, things return to (relative) normality. New players join in, and so do... old friends? Prepare for the Last Stand!Manhorse, Youth Quest, Multi-PC, Open World, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Ocean Blue, Drama, Consequences, Plot, Bossfight, RP2017-03-16 3 
April 2017
1299020YouthQuest: Reborn - Thread ISo run that by me one more time; why is this a good idea again? I dunno, but we are back at it again, bigger and just a bit better!Manhorse, Youth Quest, Multi-PC, Open World, Magic, Guns, Modern, Ocean Blue, Plot2017-04-09 2 
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