/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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June 2013
25652783Ultimate Faction War Quest: Humans Part 1Human-Heretic joint task force goes scavenging, blunts an Alien invasion, and accidentally gives the Machines valuable intel.Ultimate Faction War Quest, UFWQ, Strategy, Heretics, Humans, Tactics, Grimdark, The Storyweaver, Quest2013-06-26 10 
25717468You are an Asshole in the futureSome runners prefer stealth. some, seduction. others hacking. You, on the other hand prefer style which is why you just dropkicked a guy out a windowCollective Game, future asshole, you are a dick, net gain, shadowrun, corp, megacorp, 80s action movie, puns2013-06-30 39 
March 2016
45782966emperors text to speech memesA regular emperors tekst to speech thread turn into meme creating many new reaction images are made archived for those who missed it.emperors text to speech, memes, reaction images,2016-03-05 11 
August 2017
1749600WUNIAFWAR 3 - OP Has Problems EditionPatrick's quarantine fails. Poopfist burns the hospital. Jippy takes Poopfist captive. Anne and Cory leave Canopy.Wake Up Naked Quest, WUNIAFWAR, Survival, Mystery, Multiplayer RPG, Action Adventure, Rust, Ramtide QM, Ramtide, 2017-08-27 1 
1784275WUNIAFWAR 4Jippy realizes he's sick. Anne and Cory make a town. Joseph wreaks havoc.Wake Up Naked Quest, WUNIAFWAR, Collective Game, Survival, Mystery, Multiplayer RPG, Action Adventure, Rust, Ramtide QM, Ramtide, 2017-08-27 1 
March 2019
3300653Guns, Magic and Madness IIAmelia and her squad experience a brutal reality of urban warfare as an unknown danger draws closer.Guns Magic and Madness, diesel punk, dark fantasy, Collective Game, horror, war, action 2019-03-05 2 
July 2019
67231534COBRAAAAAAAA!/tg/ talks about G.I. Joe, Cobra, how to bring them to the tabletop, and a bit of Transformers.g.i. joe, cobra, transformers, cartoon action hour, don't even need other boards2019-07-17 5 
August 2020
4419412Daily Planet QuestLois Lane, rising star reporter, the day the masquerade ended and an open age of heroes beganDaily Planet Quest, Collective Game, Action Comics, Detective Comcis, Lois Lane2020-08-26 3 
November 2020
4525019Daily Planet Quest Issue 2Lois Lane moves forward from revelations about her Father, her Sister, and the Department of Extra-normal Affairs.Daily Planet Quest, Collective Game, Action Comics, Detective Comcis, Lois Lane2020-11-08 1 
March 2021
4696857Daily Planet Quest Issue 3Depths of the Snake Pit, Height beyond the Mountains.Daily Planet Quest, Collective Game, Action Comics, Detective Comcis, Lois Lane2021-03-16 0 
August 2022
5344701Under the Moon - Elden Ring OneshotGodskin Apostle Azul stops Radagon and Rennala's marriage by destorying the people's trust in the demigods, and killing people.Elden Ring prequel, Schizo QM, Action focused2022-08-26 15 
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