/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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May 2018
2532496Sword and Sorcery Quest #1Alexandros an idealistic young adventurer leaves home, meets a cyclopes and help solve a mysteryAlexandros, Sword, Sorcery, Adventure, Iron age, Bronze age2018-05-08 2 
2576336Sword and Sorcery quest #2Alexandros is on a mission from the sun god to get help for the besieged town. He meets new companions on the way.Alexandros, Sword, Sorcery, Adventure, Iron age, Bronze age2018-05-25 1 
June 2018
2613914Sword and Sorcery quest #3Alexandros and his companions join the march on the lich's tomb, and encounter fey and undead. Alexandros embraces his inner wrestler.Alexandros, Sword, Sorcery, Adventure, Iron age, Bronze age2018-06-08 2 
2654388Sword and Sorcery quest #4Alexandros duels an ancient undead warrior, gains a magical item and his party faces down the lich to end the undead threat.Alexandros, Sword, Sorcery, Adventure, Iron age, Bronze age2018-06-21 1 
July 2019
3658057Clo Quest - 1Clo finds trouble near her homeDrawquest, Bronze Age, FeMC2019-07-16 10 
April 2020
4177664Khe QuestKhe gets a day offDrawquest, Bronze Age, FeMC2020-04-25 1 
November 2020
4477488Tribes RP quest Ch. 2With the dawn of the bronze age for most tribes and wars happening all over the globe, the epochs have become more interesting in a way.QM2, civilization, civ, rock age, bronze age, neolithic, nomad 2020-11-04 12 
December 2020
4527603Tribes RP quest Ch. 3Old conflicts around the globe reached their conclusions while mild one started to grow and spread to previously unnaffected tribes.QM2, civilization, civ, rock age, bronze age, neolithic, nomad, sedentary, civil war 2020-12-09 10 
January 2021
4563548Tribes RP quest Ch. 4The conflicts remain, with the fishmen civil war preparing for it's major battle yet with the unexpected arrival of the tengu to aid a sideQM2, civilization, civ, rock age, bronze age, neolithic, nomad, sedentary, civil war2021-01-10 11 
February 2021
4611443Chalco Civ 1The first thread of Chalco civ, the founding of the village begins. And the meeting of some of the local entities.Chalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-02-17 10 
March 2021
77985382Ancient Bronze age settingsInfodump on Ancient Near East historyhistory, bronze age2021-03-14 9 
4656814Chalco Civ 2The village develops, the first wave of migrants arrives. Two cultures are met; camel riding raiders and bronze working traders.Chalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-03-24 7 
April 2021
4715063Chalco Civ 3You battle the Djenak Balai warriors, some assholes steal all your food, and a giant pig shows upChalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-04-30 5 
June 2021
4785874Chalco Civ 4Winter rain! Mountain Climbing! Beer Brewing! The birth of a monstrous giant spider industry!Chalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-06-02 6 
79734708Bronze age settingsExcellent discussion of bronze age and setting featuresBronze Age, Conan, History2021-06-19 4 
July 2021
4868078Chalco Civ 5Contact with the Killa warriors in the South East forests. Metalworking and watch towers. Battles against the bandits.Chalco Civ, Stone Age, Bronze Age, Neolithic, civ, civilisation, civilization, draw, draw quest, Dolomite, fantasy2021-07-09 3 
July 2022
5293364Nationquest III: The ReturnCaptain Lono returns from sea and is torn between democracy and domination as he runs for election to lead his troubled nation.Captainquest, Nationquest, Collective Game, Civ, Bronze Age, The Hypercrisis Bro,2022-07-09 2 
August 2022
5344863RevolutionquestIn a land where coin is king, a freed slave fights for liberty.Revolution, Revolutionquest, Nationquest, The Hypercrisis Bro, Bronze Age, Abolitionism,2022-08-03 0 
October 2022
5384661Nationquest Chapter IV: World of Tommorow Lono joins a tribal council that will determine the future of The Island and has a final campaign before the election.Captainquest, Nationquest, Collective Game, Civ, Bronze Age, The Hypercrisis Bro,2022-10-13 2 
March 2023
5579585Trojan War Quest #1In this thread we make our hero, Nikandros Hippomedion. He finds and befriends Prince Achilles and agrees to subvert peace talks with Ilion.Trojan War Quest, Homer, Greece, Bronze Age, Kleos-pilled2023-03-16 24 
July 2023
5668139Nationquest: War of StormsThe Great Fleet returns to the Anyaten Empire and and old face makes a power play.Captainquest, Nationquest, Collective Game, Civ, Bronze Age, The Hypercrisis Bro,2023-07-05 2 
August 2023
5703597Nationquest :War of Storms 2: The BindingMakana and a snarky ally venture to a barren Island of science and enslavementCaptainquest, Nationquest, Collective Game, Civ, Bronze Age, The Hypercrisis Bro,2023-08-18 1 
December 2024
6126111Swards and StripesA Bronze Age princess finds herself among a strange people of the Stars and Stripes bannerBronze Age, Quest, Princess, 2024-12-11 2 
January 2025
6139570Swards and Stripes A Bronze Age princess finds herself among a strange townBronze Age, magic, Swards and Stripes, America2025-01-13 1 
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