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May 2011
14897507Dark Lord Quest Part 2In which we recruit an assassin, and continue working on our plans for world domination. Also, SPIDERS!quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, witch, contract, bind, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS2011-05-12 10 
14904666Dark Overlord Quest 3We meet the old boss. And manipulate him.quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS2011-05-13 10 
14918470Dark Overlord Quest 4With success comes annoying adventurers, parasitic merchants, and fucking elves. Oh those fucking elves.quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS2011-05-14 8 
14928381Dark Overlord Quest 5We find out who the plotter spying on us was, form a plan for dealing with him, and get closer to Shaiara. We also have a revelation: bonsai is evil!quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, bonsai, evil bonsai2011-05-15 10 
14939603Dark Overlord Quest 6We have a tournament and meet an uppity drow. We also find an orc ronin without a katana folded a million times.quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, drow, orc2011-05-16 10 
14949512Dark Lord Quest Part 7The torture go on, the orc samurai becomes our servant, and our spiders became torturers and can even talk!quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, drow, orc, torture2011-05-17 9 
14954504Dark Overlord Quest 8Taunting the drow, who KEEP ON PISSING US OFF! Also a nice meal.quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, spider, torture, drow2011-05-17 9 
14960957Dark Overlord Quest 9Not much gets done, BUT we do learn a lot. And seem to have some horrible Shadow Magic disease. Also, Succubai!quest, collective game, overlord, evil, dark overlord, witch, contract, bind, spiders, spider, SPIDERS, OH GOD SPIDERS, Succubai, Shadow, Archon2011-05-18 10 
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