/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2018
2915964Dream Catchers: First Night [Skirmish]The first three dives into the dreamscape take place, as new catchers find their footing and flesh out their world.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, dream, realm, dreamscape, nightmare, nightmares, collective game, puns2018-10-11 5 
2957423Dream Catchers: Third Night [Skirmish]A dive to a seemingly tranquil field leads into a hidden factory which houses a champion of the abyss. The first fatality befalls the party.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, dream, realm, dreamscape, nightmare, nightmares, collective game, puns2018-10-24 3 
November 2018
2992681Dream Catchers: Fourth Dive [Skirmish]The final hours of The Mire, for now. Party then proceeds to run into more problems realm-bound and internal after a quite short night rest.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, dream, realm, dreamscape, nightmare, nightmares, collective game, puns2018-11-05 2 
January 2019
3132565Dream Catchers: Fourth Dive (Deeper) [Skirmish]After an extended rest, the party ventures into a train station, leading to highs and lows with a beloved party member departing suddenly.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, doomtrain, doom train, wizard lizard2019-01-04 2 
3150724Dream Catchers: Fourth Dive (Final pt1) [Skirmish]The party takes the fight from the station and out onto the rails, chasing down Doomtrain only to discover other runners... helping it?fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, doomtrain, doom train, wizard lizard2019-01-14 2 
3178404Dream Catchers: Fourth Dive (Final pt2) [Skirmish]The party takes the fight to the tracks, chasing down the DOOMTRAIN to prevent its escape. First the hunt, then the feast!fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, doomtrain, doom train, wizard lizard2019-01-25 2 
February 2019
3201066Dream Catchers (Fifth Dive pt1) [Skirmish]Down into the Industrial realm the party delves, discovering not all is what it seems and some strange new companions.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, ser fuzzylad, minserva, lazer guns2019-02-02 2 
3225396Dream Catchers: Blackout (Sixth Dive) [Skirmish]The party takes to a realm of secrets stored deep within a hidden warehouse, discovering strange experiments with mysterious intentions.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, area 51, warehouse, karz, jojo reference2019-02-15 2 
February 2021
4621306Dream Catchers 2nd Edition [Skirmish]The slumbering realms open to those who wander dreamland once more, allowing those lucid to reshape both hex and denizen for a new awakeningfenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, dream catchers, dream, denizen, lucid, catcher, catchers2021-02-22 0 
March 2021
4663783Dream Catchers 2nd Edition (p2) [Skirmish]Enter the Norzlands, empty realms where storms ravage the flora and fauna leading to naught but the coldest of reception.fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, dream catchers, dream, denizen, lucid, catcher, catchers2021-03-18 0 
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